ELSA Legal Debates

About ELSA Legal Debates

Debating teaches critical thinking and allows participants to engage with current affairs, improve their communication skills and hone their analytical abilities.

An ELSA Legal Debate is an oral advocacy competition, conducted by two teams consisting of two to four law students and/or young lawyers representing either side of a motion. The debate is observed and evaluated by a panel of judges who are recognised in the relevant field of law. Each debate is moderated by a moderator.

ELSA Legal Debates were introduced in 2020 and are conducted across ELSA’s network of almost 70,000 law students in 44 different countries.

Characteristics & Opportunities
  • Practical learning

    ELSA Legal Debates allow you to apply your theoretical to practice.

  • Language skills

    Hone your language skills by having to rebut arguments from the opposing team.

  • Team work

    Work with a team of 1 -3 other law students, learn from each other and improve your people skills.

Debating Process

    Teams receive the motion and the case and the positions are drawn.


    During the Debate Period, teams deliver opening statements, rebuttals and concluding statements.


    At the end of the debate, judges provide feedback to the teams.