General Legal Partners

‘The International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA) is the only global association devoted to lawyers and in-house counsel aged 45 and under. Since 1962 AIJA provides outstanding international opportunities for young lawyers to network, learn and develop. The AIJA community is very diverse, as members come from law firms of all sizes and cultures. The activities of AIJA are coordinated by 20 scientific commissions and they are committed to defend and take active part in promoting core legal principles, such as the rule of law and human rights principles.’
The International Bar Association (IBA), established in 1947, is the world’s leading organisation of international legal practitioners, bar associations, law firms and law societies. The IBA influences the development of international law reform and shapes the future of the legal profession throughout the world. It has a membership of more than 80,000 individual lawyers, and over 190 bar associations and law societies spanning 170 countries.

The International Association of Lawyers (UIA) is a global and multi-cultural organization for the legal profession. Established in 1927, it consists of members spread across 110 countries. It promotes professional development, learning and the Rule of Law while facilitating professional development, training as well as friendship, collegiality and networking among its members.
Learn more about the UIA and become a member here.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. The goal of the WTO is to improve the welfare of the people of the Member Countries by ensuring that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible. The WTO currently consists of 161 Member Nations. As the WTO was born out of negotiations amongst the former GATT Contracting Parties, everything the WTO Members do is a result of negotiations. Therefore, the WTO, as an intergovernmental institution, is a place where Member governments seek to negotiate trade problems. The John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition, therefore, supports the WTO’s enforcement of the international trade rules via the Dispute Settlement Understanding system.

The Academy of European Law (ERA) is a non–profit public foundation based in Trier, Germany, which is supported by the EU and whose patrons now include all 27 EU Member States. Its mission is to provide practitioners of law – judges, prosecutors, notaries and lawyers in private practice, business or public administration – with training and a forum for debate on EU law. At its headquarters in Trier, as well as many locations across Europe, they provide high-quality conferences and seminars supported by top speakers across numerous practice areas.
Europrivacy is the data protection certification scheme developed through the H2020 European Research Programme to certify conformity with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and complementary national regulations. It is managed by an international board of expert and the European Centre for Certification and Privacy. More information available at
Apply for the Europrivacy course here!

The Academy of the Global Association of Data Protection Professionals promotes the only global best practices based and peer-to-peer reviewed professional trainings available in the market. The Academy promotes and facilitates data protection professionalism at individual and company level, based on perspectives and the principles of global and regional principles of privacy, data protection and security, such as the GDPR and UN Principles on Personal Data Protection and Privacy.
As a Partner of ELSA, the GADPPRO Academy offers special discounts to ELSA members. Learn more about these benefits here and redeem yours here!
The European Law Faculties Association brings together more than 150 law faculties and schools and other institutions, from Europe but also from other parts of the world. All of them are engaged with the different aspects involved in legal education or research in law, and committed to the aim of developing ideas, debate and cooperation in that field, with a view to achieving quality and the mutual recognition of learning and curricula. ELFA’s activities cover graduate, postgraduate and professional levels, and focus on, among others, the exchange of information and experience in relation to law education programmes, teaching methods and assessment systems, the study and reflection on legal research and student learning, and the promotion of partnerships and student and staff mobility. With this aim, ELFA functions as a network, undertaking contact and co-operation within its Members and with existing institutions and organisations.