Rule of Law Education Programme (ROLE)


The Rule of Law Education Programme (ROLE) it’s an educational initiative designed to provide non-formal education on the Rule of Law and leadership to high school students.

Through the practice of non-formal education, the goal of the ROLE Curriculum, delivered by law students and legal professionals, is to empower young pupils by equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to advocate for the improvement of the Rule of Law in their respective local communities.  


1. Educate high school students on the Rule of Law
Children and young people can better understand the principles of the Rule of Law by enhancing their practical skills

2. Advocate for social responsibility at a National scale
Law students contribute to developing a more informed and engaged citizenry deepening legal literacy and promoting values such as justice, fairness, and equality.

3. Inspire the youth to gain more agency over their rights
Through knowledge of their rights, children and young people are given the tools to become more aware of Rule of Law issues when they see them  

  • Social Responsibility

    ROLE allows ELSA members to give back to society and making an impact by educating children on fundamental issues. 

  • Train the Facilitators Conference

    Join us in Brussels for a 4-day Conference on non-formal education and ROLE facilitation.

  • Team work

    Meet people around Europe, learn how to interact with the younger generation, and improve your skills.

  • Search for schools and recruit law students or young lawyers as facilitators

  • Understand the curriculum, train the facilitators and ensure your facilitators are ready to deliver the curriculum.

  • Deliver the curriculum according to non-formal education styles.