The ELSA International Team for the term 2024/2025

The International Board of ELSA 2024/2025 is happy to open the 1st call for the ELSA International Team. If you would like to be part of the team, please apply by Sunday, 11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST.


The structure and the positions of the Team Members have been adjusted to the needs of the respective areas and the International Board Members. Additionally, the International Board will continue to use cross-functional teams that will be working across all areas of ELSA on specified tasks. The individual description of each position can be found under the respective area within the call. 

Cross-functional Teams


Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

President & Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for Advocacy is responsible for assisting the International Board of ELSA and leading the Advocacy team in implementing advocacy into existing projects and areas of ELSA. The Director is also responsible for conducting and coordinating research on focus topics that require special attention from the perspective of human rights, the rule of law and others designated in collaboration with the International Board. The Director is responsible for communicating with the Network and assisting National Groups in implementing advocacy in their work and carrying out advocacy efforts/campaigns. The Director will have a cross-area role, working in conjunction with different teams to implement advocacy into the existing structures and projects of ELSA.


  • Lead the selection and research of advocacy topics;
  • Lead the preparation of advocacy publications, posts and campaigns pertaining to ELSA’s projects;
  • Lead a team in assisting the Network with advocacy and sharing knowledge;
  • Monitor and evaluate the Network’s advocacy efforts;
  • Assist the International Board in relevant discussions about long-term advocacy strategies;
  • Report regularly to the International Board;
  • Assist the International Board with the preparation and delivery of workshops.


  • Demonstrated knowledge of advocacy in ELSA;
  • Excellent time management and communication skills;
  • Excellent team management skills;
  • Excellent planning skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Experience in project management;
  • Ability to work independently;
  • Ability to delegate tasks;
  • Experience and/or achievements in the field of social responsibility and advocacy activities are an advantage.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10h per week). Expected to attend monthly meetings with the supervising Member of the International Board and the Assistant for Advocacy.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025 

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

President & Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant will be part of the Advocacy Team, working closely with the Director for Advocacy. They will be in close contact with National Groups, integrating feedback from their advocacy initiatives and projects while conducting research on certain subjects that require special attention from the perspective of human rights and the rule of law. The main responsibilities are related to the development of advocacy activities in our Association. Specific tasks will be delegated on an ongoing basis taking into account the current needs of the International Board. 


  • Research and propose advocacy topics;
  • Prepare advocacy publications, posts and campaigns pertaining to ELSA’s projects;
  • Assist the Network with advocacy and sharing knowledge;
  • Monitor and evaluate the Network’s advocacy efforts;
  • Assist the International Board in relevant discussions about long-term advocacy strategies;
  • Report regularly to the Director for Advocacy.


  • Excellent time management and communication skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Being devoted to the work and reply to emails in due time;
  • Ability to work independently;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low to mild pressure throughout the year (~4-6h per week).Expected to attend monthly meetings with the supervising Member of the International Board and the Assistants for Advocacy. 

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants \will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025

Strategic Planning

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

President of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for Strategic Planning will together with the President of the International Board oversee the development and implementation of the Strategic Goals in the Network and work on evaluating the process. This includes helping in raising awareness regarding the work with the Strategic Goals throughout all areas. The work will also include support in the preparations for the International Strategy Meeting. 


  • Work and communicate with the President of the International Board in the area of strategic planning;
  • Provide guidance and support to National and Local Groups in aligning their activities wih the Strategic Plan;
  • Support National Groups in the creation of their own strategic plan;
  • Gather feedback from the National and Local Groups;
  • Assist the International Board with the preparation and delivery of workshops and presentations.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time and team management skills;
  • Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills;
  • Excellent planning skills;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of strategic planning;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Ability to think critically;
  • Ability to work independently.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mostly mild pressure throughout the year (~10-15 hr per week), and high pressure leading up to the International Strategy Meeting that will take place 29th of Janury to 2nd of February 2025. Expected to attend monthly (and in periods biweekly) calls with the Preisdnet of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nathalie Labar


The International Board 2024/2025


Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Secretary General of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for IT will be responsible for communicating with the domain provider of the websites, as well as for assisting with the upkeep and maintenance of the websites, G-suite and other Information Technology related tasks. Additionally, the Director for IT will be responsible for the delegation of tasks to the IT team.


  • Manage the websites of ELSA;
  • Assist the Secretary General of the International Board with the management of the G-suite system;
  • Respond to emergency queries relating to IT issues;
  • Research methods to enhance the IT structures of ELSA.


  • Demonstrated experience and/or extensive knowledge of IT;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • High responsiveness and availability on short notice.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10hr per week). High pressure in case of emergency IT issues, which need to be addressed swiftly. Expected to attend monthly meetings with the Secretary General of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Mie Tveit

Secretary General

The International Board 2024/2025

International Focus Programme

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President  in charge of  Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


For the last 29  years, ELSA has strived to unite the Network under different IFP topics with one common goal – to impact the society we live in. The term of 2024/2025 will be the last of 3 terms marked by the IFP topic chosen at ICM Cosenza: “Law & Sustainability”. The Director for International Focus Programme will work closely with the International Board throughout the whole year. The Director will ensure that the Network understands the topic and all the possibilities that it brings to ELSA projects. Upon discussion with the Director, a Working group or Assistants may be appointed.


  • Coordinate the IFP;
  • Comunicate with the Network regarding the IFP topic possibilities and provide help when requested;
  • Participate in preparation and delivery of workshops  together with the International Board during International Internal Meetings;
  • Prepare and deliver open calls;
  • Manage and conduct research on the Network’s efforts within the IFP;
  • Manage and conduct research on a new IFP topic;
  • Manage and conduct research for proposals of development of the IFP;
  • Manage the preparation and writing of the IFP Final Report;
  • Manage initial drafting of the next IFP Outline.


  • Knowledge of the history of ELSA and especially the recent developments in the area of the International Focus Programme;
  • Knowledge of the IFP topic “Law and Sustainability”;
  • Great time management skills;
  • Excellent command of English;
  • Communicative;
  • Being Responsive.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~ 5-10 hr per week). The Director for International Focus Programme is expected to attend monthly calls with the Vice President in charge of Academic Activities and the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board and carry out all the necessary calls the position entails.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović mirošević

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities

International Board 2024/2025

Board Management, External Relations and Expansion

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

President of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The External relations Team is working across areas on all needs in the field of external contracts. Members of the team are responsible for creating strategies for cooperation, researching new potential partners, and assisting the International Board of ELSA with any tasks related to developing partnerships (general or project-specific).

The Director for External Relations shall work closely with the President of the International Board of ELSA, focusing mostly on coordinating and distributing tasks within the External Relations Team and assisting with developing an External Relations Strategy to be followed throughout the term.


  • Coordinate and supervise the work of the Assistants for External Relations;
  • Develop ELSA’s External Relations Strategy;
  • Coordinate the research for new partners and possibilities for further development of ELSA partnerships, according to the needs of the International Board of ELSA;
  • Report regularly to the members of the International Board regarding the tasks attributed to the Team;
  • Initiate communication with prospective entities;
  • Maintain the external contact database to be organised and up to date;
  • Assist the International Board with the preparation and delivery of workshops and presentations.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time and team management skills;
  • Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills;
  • Excellent planning skills;
  • Demonstrated experience in external relations;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of every field of activity of ELSA;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Ability to think critically;
  • Ability to work independently.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


High pressure throughout the year (~10-15 hr per week). Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the President of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nathalie Labar


The International Board 2024/2025 

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

President of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The External Relations Team is working across areas on all needs in the field of external contacts. Members of the team are responsible for creating strategies for cooperation, researching new potential partners, and assisting the International Board of ELSA with any tasks related to developing partnerships (general or project-specific).

The Assistants, managed by the Director for External Relations, will be responsible for various types of external relations tasks, building a network of stakeholders, supporting the project managers, proposing the structure of potential partnerships as well as conducting all necessary research on potential partners of interest to the International Board. Specific tasks will be delegated on an ongoing basis taking into account the current needs of the International Board.


  • Carry out the tasks attributed to by the Director for External Relations and the members of the International Board;
  • Carry out research on potential partners;
  • Contact the indicated entities;
  • Develop fundraising materials;
  • Implement the strategy of cooperation with partners.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time management and communication skills;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of ELSA’s external relations approach;
  • Experience in the field of external relations (within the Association or not);
  • General knowledge of the projects organised by the International Board of ELSA.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10 hr per week). Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the President of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nathalie Labar


The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

President of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for BEE Academy will be assisting the President of the International Board of ELSA with the BEE Academy, which is aimed at giving one-on-one support to the interested BEE Officers. The works include both giving one-on-one support directly to Local and National Presidents and their teams, as well as working on the structure and content of the BEE Academy in general.


  • Give one-on-one support to interested Officers;
  • Develop BEE Academy materials;
  • Create a BEE Academy Strategy if deemed necessary;
  • Assist the International Board with the preparation and delivery of workshops and presentations.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time and team management skills;
  • Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills;
  • Excellent planning skills;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of topics within BEE such as Board and team management, External Relations, Expansion, fundraising, leadership skills etc.;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Ability to think critically;
  • Ability to work independently.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


High pressure throughout the first half of the year (~10-15 hr per week), mild pressure during the second half of the year (~5-10 hr per week) Expected to attend biweekly calls with the Preisdent of the International Board throught the first half of the year, but not as often during the second half of the year. 

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nathalie Labar


The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

President of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for Expansion will together with the International Board support National Groups, especially observers with their membership applications. The work will vary based on the needs of the National Groups, which means that the workload and type of tasks will be different throughout the year. The Director for Expansion will also coordinate and distribute tasks with the Expansions Team.


  • Coordinate and supervise the work of the Assistants for Expansion;
  • Communicate with National Groups, both members and observers;
  • Support observers in their membership applications;
  • Assist the International Board with the preparation and delivery of workshops and presentations.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time and team management skills;
  • Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills;
  • Excellent planning skills;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of supporting groups and networks;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of every field of activity of ELSA;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Ability to think critically;
  • Ability to work independently.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


High pressure throughout the year (~10-15 hr per week). Expected to attend biweekly calls with the President of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nathalie Labar


The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

President of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Expansion Team will together with the International Board support National Groups, especially observers with their membership applications. The Assistants, managed by the Director for Expansion, will be responsible for various types of tasks that aims o support and help National Groupd with their specific needs. Since the work will vary based on the needs of the National Groups, the workload and type of tasks will differ throughout the year. Specific tasks will be delegated on an ongoing basis taking into account the current needs of the International Board.


  • Carry out the tasks attributed to by the Director for Expansions and the members of the International Board;
  • Communicate with National Groups, both members and observers;
  • Support observers in their membership applications;
  • Assist the International Board with the preparation and delivery of workshops and presentations.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time and team management skills;
  • Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills;
  • Excellent planning skills;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of supporting Groups and networks;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Ability to think critically;
  • Ability to work independently.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10 hr per week). Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the President of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nathalie Labar


The International Board 2024/2025

Internal Management

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Secretary General of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for Administration will be responsible for the overall coordination of administrative work within the Internal Management area, thus working closely with the Secretary General of the International Board of ELSA. The area includes daily administrative tasks, International Internal Meetings, Data Protection and Legal Compliance. The Director is expected to be committed to the work during the entire year, especially taking into account the deadlines contained in the Regulations of ELSA. This position includes acting as a bridge between the Administration Team and the Secretary General, to ensure the team’s progress. 


  • Assist the Secretary General of the International Board in all aspects of Internal Management required;
  • Distribute and follow up on tasks with the members of the Administration Team, namely the Assistant(s) for Internal Management, International Internal Meetings, Data Protection and Legal Compliance;
  • Oversee the preparation of relevant documents  and reports for the ICMs, ISM and ITM;
  • Review ELSA’s regulations with a view to ensuring their continuous legal compliance, together with the Assistant for Legal Compliance;
  • Cooperate with the Assistant for Data Protection on developing and implementing measures across the Network to enhance ELSA’s Data Protection compliance;
  • Assist the Secretary General of the International Board in developing the IM area.


  • Extensive experience in the Internal Management of ELSA and sufficient knowledge of its different aspects;
  • Flexibility and ability to adapt depending on the needs of the Secretary General of the International Board;
  • High responsiveness and an ability to work independently;
  • Good organisational skills and time management.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


High pressure in the first month and around the International Internal Meetings of ELSA (~10-15hr per week). Lower pressure during the Winter Holiday season and around the time of academic exam sessions (~5-10hr per week). Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the Secretary General of the International Board and each member of the Administration Team.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Mie Tveit

Secretary General

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Secretary General of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant for Internal Management will work closely with the Director for Administration on the completion of relevant administrative tasks within the IM Area. The Assistant is expected to be committed to the work during the entire year, especially taking into account the deadlines contained in the Regulations of ELSA. 


  • Assist the Secretary General of the International Board in all aspects of Internal Management required;
  • Compile the State of the Network, create evaluation reports and other relevant materials;
  • Research methods of improving the archiving system of ELSA towards being more sustainable;


  • Previous experience in the Internal Management of ELSA and sufficient knowledge of its different aspects;
  • Flexibility and ability to adapt depending on the needs of the Secretary General of the International Board;
  • High responsiveness and an ability to work independently;
  • Good organisational skills and time management.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10hr per week). High pressure around the International Internal Meetings of ELSA (~10-15hr per week). Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the Director for Administration.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Mie Tveit

Secretary General

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Secretary General of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant for International Internal Meetings will work closely together with the Director for Administration when preparing the International Internal Meetings for this term. This would include assistance in the drafting and compilation of the Working Materials, Minutes and other documents prior to and post the Internal Meetings. Lastly, the Assistant for International Internal Meetings will also work closely with the International Board in evaluating the Internal Meetings and implementing ELSA’s Host Attraction Strategy. 


  • Compile the Working Materials of the International Internal Meetings of ELSA – the International Council Meetings (ICM), International Strategy Meeting (ISM) and International Training Meeting (ITM);
  • Review the Minutes of the ICMs and the ISM;
  • Prepare other relevant documents for the ICMs, ISM and ITM;
  • Create evaluation reports for the ITM and ISM with a view to future improvement;
  • Develop and implement various elements of ELSA’s Host Attraction Strategy.


  • Previous experience in the area of Internal Management;
  • Knowledge and understanding of the structure and regulations of International Internal Meetings;
  • High attention to detail and excellent time management;
  • Ability to work independently, while meeting deadlines;
  • Proficiency of  Microsoft Office and Excel is a benefit.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10hr per week). High pressure surrounding the periods of International Internal Meetings (~10-15hr per week). Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the Director for Administration.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Mie Tveit

Secretary General

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Secretary General of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant for Data Protection will work closely with the Director for Administration in the areas of data protection, privacy and cybersecurity. The Assistant will be responsible for the review of ELSA’s Privacy Policies and for the overall coordination of the efforts towards achieving a professional data privacy certification.


  • Review ELSA’s existing Privacy Policies as well as develop new ones;
  • Research the possibility and steps of ELSA obtaining a professional data privacy certification;
  • Assist the International Board in the clearance of old data within the process of archiving and the establishment of appropriate archiving procedures;
  • Collaborate with the Secretary General of the International Board in spreading knowledge regarding Data Protection across the Network.


  • Previous experience in a similar role in ELSA or externally;
  • Knowledge of and interest in Data Protection Law and in particular the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR);
  • Excellent attention to detail in processing large and complex volumes of data and legal documents;
  • High responsiveness and an ability to work independently;
  • Excellent organisational skills.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10hr per week). Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the Director for Administration.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Mie Tveit

Secretary General

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Secretary General of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant for Legal Compliance will work closely with the Director of Administration in developing ELSA’s regulations and procedures with a view towards guaranteeing their continuous compliance with all applicable laws. Depending on the particular subject matter, the Assistant may also have an opportunity to collaborate with members of the International Board of ELSA, in particular within the context of the ELSA Development Foundation.


  • Review ELSA’s regulations with a view to ensuring their continuous legal compliance;
  • Review the ELSA Development Foundation’s regulations with a view to ensuring their continuous legal compliance;
  • Perform research into new and/or unexplored areas of EU Law which may have an impact on ELSA’s operation;
  • Draft proposals for regulatory changes in collaboration with the International Board of ELSA; 
  • Examine and give feedback on the legal compliance of ELSA International’s internal procedures.


  • Knowledge and interest in the areas of Association, Employment and broadly EU Law;
  • Ability to work independently and within strict deadlines;
  • Excellent attention to detail in processing large and complex legal documents;
  • Previous experience in a legal compliance role within ELSA or externally is an advantage;
  • Working proficiency in Dutch and/or French is an advantage. 


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


High pressure around the International Council Meetings of ELSA (~10-15hr per week). Mild pressure throughout the rest of the year (~5-10hr per week). Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the Director for Administration.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Mie Tveit

Secretary General

The International Board 2024/2025

ELSA Training

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Secretary General of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for ELSA Training will work together with the Secretary General of the International Board of ELSA in looking for Training partners, recruiting new Trainers, motivating and assisting current Trainers, working on the promotion strategy of ELSA Training and research training structures in other organisations and firms. The Director for ELSA Training will additionally be in contact with National Groups that want to establish a National Trainers’ Pool.


  • Respond to training requests from the ELSA Network and act as a contact point to the International Trainers’ Pool (ITP);
  • Coordinate the organisation of ELSA Training sessions and keep a record of the organised sessions;
  • Advise National Groups, interested in establishing a National Trainers’ Pool (NTP);
  • Create and update materials on Training;
  • Co-organise the ELSA Skills Academy in collaboration with the Human Resources Team;
  • Research potential partnerships for ELSA Training.


  • Knowledge of and interest in ELSA Training;
  • High responsiveness and an ability to lead the ELSA Training Team independently;
  • Excellent organisational skills;
  • Previous experience in a similar role in ELSA or externally is an advantage.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10hr per week). Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the Secretary General of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Mie Tveit

Secretary General

The International Board 2024/2025

Human Resources

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Secretary General of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The implementation of working structures requires strategy development, evaluation, and revision. The Director for Human Resources will be responsible for the overall coordination of the Department of Human Resources, further developing Human Resources structures and strategies and shaping them according to the needs of the Association and the people it depends on. 


  • Implement and further develop ELSA’s Human Resources Strategy;
  • Supervise the Department of Human Resource Management; 
  • Operate as a bridge between the International Board and the Department.


  • Experience with Human Resources as a Local or National officer in ELSA or externally;
  • Motivation and creativity when it comes to project management and strategy;
  • Ability to work independently;
  • High responsiveness; 
  • Great planning and organisational skills.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


High pressure in the first month and around the International Internal Meetings of ELSA (~10-15hr per week). Lower pressure during the Winter Holiday season and around the time of academic exam sessions (~5-10hr per week). Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the Secretary General of the International Board and the Human Resources Team.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Mie Tveit

Secretary General

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Secretary General of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant for Human Resources (HR) Strategies collaborates closely with the Assistant for National Relations and is responsible for establishing direct lines of communication with our National Groups and crafting individualised HR Strategies tailored to their unique needs and objectives. Furthermore, the Assistant will work in close partnership with the Director for Human Resources to continuously enhance our HR Strategy and structural framework within ELSA.


  • Collaborate with the Assistant for National Relations to strategically develop and implement individualised plans tailored to the needs of ELSA Groups;
  • Analyse the “problem database” to provide advice and guidance to National and Local ELSA Groups in addressing their specific challenges;
  • Develop and refine ELSA’s Human Resources Strategy, ensuring it aligns with organisational needs and goals.


  • Experience in Human Resources gained through previous roles as a Local or National Officer within ELSA;
  • High responsiveness and excellent communication skills, facilitating productive interactions with the HR Team and the National Groups;
  • Outgoing personality that fosters strong relationships and open communication;
  • Analytical mindset to assess complex HR issues and develop solutions;
  • Extensive knowledge of ELSA is beneficial;
  • High proficiency in English at the C1/C2 is an advantage.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10hr per week). Expected to attend meetings twice a month with the Director for Human Resources.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants don’t bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Mie Tveit

Secretary General 

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Secretary General of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


It is all about making the life of an ELSA Officer as easy, fun, and engaging as possible. While strategy development will take place, the Assistant for Officer Development will actively build and communicate current Officer benefits and incentives, while also promoting available support and welfare systems.


  • Collaborate with the Director for External Relations to research, propose, and implement additional benefits for ELSA Officers;
  • Plan, organise and coordinate the ELSA Skills Academy in collaboration with the ELSA Training Team to ensure a seamless execution of skill development for ELSA Officers;
  • Coordinate and execute the ELSA Awards, focusing on recognising and celebrating the outstanding contributions of active ELSA Officers;
  • Manage the publication and administration of the ELSA Personality Test.


  • Creativity and innovation in proposing new benefits and initiatives for ELSA Officers;
  • Ability to work autonomously with strong organisational and time management skills;
  • Proactive approach in identifying opportunities for improvement;
  • Problem-solving skills, including the ability to identify challenges and develop effective solutions;
  • Effective collaboration and communication skills to work with the cross-functional teams and external partners as needed.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10hr per week). Expected to attend meetings twice a month with the Director for Human Resources.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants don’t bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Mie Tveit

Secretary General

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Secretary General of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant for Knowledge Management plays a central role as the nexus for capturing, refining, and leveraging our collective knowledge. In this role, this person will be responsible for coordinating and overseeing the revision of the materials we currently provide. This encompasses a comprehensive assessment of our existing knowledge, identifying historical challenges, and recognizing past solution approaches. The Assistant for Knowledge Management takes charge of the entire updating process, guiding and supporting it at every step. They foster collaboration across various teams and departments to ensure that the knowledge we harness aligns seamlessly with our organisational goals.


  • Analysing the State of the Network Results and Minutes, to identify problems and their solutions and create an internal “problem database” (in collaboration with the Assistant for National Relations);
  • Assess the current materials we provide (e.g.: handbooks and templates), rank them according to how urgently they need to be worked on, and identify the need for the creation of new materials;
  • Take charge of the entire updating process to fix and/or create new materials;
  • Work on the new structure of the ELSA Officers portal.


  • High level of motivation to drive projects and initiatives forward;
  • Ability to efficiently process and comprehend substantial volumes of information;
  • Working proficiency in English;
  • Extensive knowledge of ELSA and/or Internal Management is an advantage.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10hr per week). Expected to attend meetings twice a month with the Director for Human Resources.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants don’t bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Mie Tveit

Secretary General

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Secretary General of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


To ensure optimal support for our current and future Officers, it is essential to identify the challenges faced by our current Officers and develop effective strategies to help them. In order to establish clear priorities, we must gather data from National and Local Boards and their respective teams. The Assistant for National Relations will be responsible for overall communication with the National Groups of ELSA. This role involves assisting with any questions and needs (especially regarding Human Resources problems) and identifying ways to solve said problems in teamwork.


  • Contact and communicate with ELSA’s National Groups to proactively identify and address Human Resources challenges they may be encountering;
  • Utilise their past experience, own knowledge and ELSA’s Human Resources Strategy to propose solutions tailored to the specific needs of National Groups;
  • Collaborate closely with the Assistant for Knowledge Management to develop and update an internal “problem database,” ensuring that it reflects the current issues and solutions provided to National Groups.


  • Experience in Human Resources gained through previous roles as a Local or National Officer within ELSA;
  • High responsiveness and excellent communication skills, facilitating productive interactions with the HR Team and the National Groups;
  • Outgoing personality that fosters strong relationships and open communication;
  • Analytical mindset to assess complex HR issues and develop data-driven solutions.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10hr per week). Expected to attend meetings twice a month. 

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants don’t bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Mie Tveit

Secretary General

The International Board 2024/2025


Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Secretary General of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for Welfare will be responsible for Welfare, as well as Diversity and Inclusion within ELSA. Their main responsibility will be the implementation of the Code of Conduct of ELSA by receiving and processing complaints, as well as encouraging National Groups to create their own Code of Conduct. Additionally, they will research different ways to improve the welfare of ELSA Officers through a variety of partnerships.


  • Coordinate the overall operation of the Welfare Team;
  • Revise the Code of Conduct of ELSA in collaboration with the Secretary General of the International Board and the respective Welfare Team;
  • Implement the Code of Conduct of ELSA by receiving and processing complaints of its violations;
  • Research potential partnerships in the areas of welfare, diversity and inclusion, including training opportunities for ELSA Officers in the aforementioned areas.


  • Previous experience and interest in the area of welfare;
  • Being approachable, empathetic and with a high degree of emotional intelligence;
  • High responsiveness and an ability to work independently;
  • Reliability and diligence.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10hr per week). Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the Secretary General of the International Board and the respective Welfare Team.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Mie Tveit

Secretary General

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Secretary General of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant for Welfare will work closely with the Director, researching different ways in which to improve the welfare of ELSA Officers, including through the revision of the existing Code of Conduct of ELSA and the development of opportunities for mental health support. This Assistant reports directly to the Director for Welfare.


  • Assist in the revision of the Code of Conduct of ELSA in collaboration with the Secretary General of the International Board and the respective Welfare Team;
  • Research and develop opportunities for officer welfare, including adequate mental health support across the ELSA Network;
  • Research potential partnerships in the areas of welfare, diversity and inclusion, including training opportunities for ELSA Officers in the aforementioned areas;
  • Coordinate together with the Welfare Team and the Secretary General of the International Board the training of the ELSA Network on the topic of welfare.


  • Previous experience and/or interest in the area of welfare;
  • High responsiveness and an ability to work independently;
  • Attention to detail and good research skills.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year  (~5-10hr per week). Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the Welfare Team.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Mie Tveit

Secretary General

The International Board 2024/2025


*Please note that the Assistant for Welfare does not engage with the receiving and processing of individual complaints of violations of the Code of Conduct of ELSA.

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Secretary General of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant for Diversity and Inclusion will work on assessing and developing diversity and inclusion in ELSA. The main focus of the Assistant will be the creation of guidelines and best practices in the area of diversity and inclusion, as well as the development and supervision of ELSA’s Diversity and Inclusion Questionnaire. This Assistant reports directly to the Director for Welfare.


  • Collect data about diversity and inclusion policies within ELSA and other organisations;
  • Create materials, guidelines and best practices on diversity and inclusion;
  • Coordinate together with the Welfare Team and the Secretary General of the International Board the training of the ELSA Network on the topics of diversity and inclusion.


  • Previous experience and/or interest in the topic of diversity and inclusion;
  • Creativity and solution-orientedness;
  • High responsiveness;
  • Attention to detail in processing large volumes of information.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year  (~5-10hr per week). Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the Welfare Team.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Mie Tveit

Secretary General

The International Board 2024/2025

*Please note that the Assistant for Diversity and Inclusion does not engage with the receiving and processing of individual complaints of violations of the Code of Conduct of ELSA.

Financial Management

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

President of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for Financial Management will be responsible for the overall coordination within the area and will work closely with the International Board. The Director is expected to be committed to work during the entire year. The tasks will include coordinating the creation of the new Financial Strategy and updating general tools. Overall the responsibilities will include tasks in the general aspects of the area as well as the Financial Strategy.


  • Coordinating the work of creating the new Financial Strategy;
  • Assist and collaborate directly with the International Board on general running tasks of the area;
  • Assist the International Board in developing the FM area;
  • Support by preparing and conducting Open Calls, workshops etc. within FM.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time and team management skills;
  • Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills;
  • Excellent planning skills;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of different aspects of Financial Management;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of Financial Strategy;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Ability to think critically;
  • Ability to work independently.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild to high pressure throughout the year  (~5-15hr per week), especially during the drafting of the Financial Strategy. Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the President and/or Secretary General of the International Board of ELSA.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nathalie Labar


The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

President of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for Grants will coordinate and distribute tasks within the Grants Team. The main focus for this year within the Grants Team will be to find new possible grants for ELSA International’s projects and general work. 


  • Coordinate and supervise the work of the Assistants for Grants;
  • Research and coordinate the application for new grants according to the needs of the International Board of ELSA;
  • Report regularly to the members of the International Board regarding the tasks attributed to the Team;
  • Maintain the grants database to be organised and up to date;
  • Assist the International Board with the preparation and delivery of workshops and presentations.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time and team management skills;
  • Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills;
  • Excellent planning skills;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of Financial Management, especially in relation to grants;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Ability to think critically;
  • Ability to work independently.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low to mild pressure  throughout the year (~4-10 hr per week). Expected to attend monthly calls with the President and/or Secretary General of the International Board of ELSA.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nathalie Labar


The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

President of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistants, managed by the Director for Grants, will be responsible for various types of tasks related to grants. This includes researching new potential grants, assisting in the application of grants, and  maintaining the grants database. Specific tasks will be delegated on an ongoing basis taking into account the current needs of the International Board.


  • Carry out the tasks attributed to by the Director for Grants and the members of the International Board;
  • Carry out research on potential new grants; 
  • Support in the application of grants, both the International Board and National Groups.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time management and communication skills;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of Financial Management;
  • Experience in the field of grants  (within the Association or not);
  • General knowledge of the projects organised by the International Board of ELSA.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low to mild pressure throughout the year (~4-10 hr per week). Expected to attend monthly calls with the President and/or Secretary General of the International Board of ELSA.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nathalie Labar


The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

President of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for Investments will be responsible for finding how and where ELSA can invest. The main focus during the upcoming term will be on how o use the reserve an streamline the use of money. The Director for Investements will also, together with the International Board, look over the regulations regarding the reserves and work on a more sustainable structure.


  • Research and set up a strategy for investments;
  • Work on guidelines for investments;
  • Work on a possible structure for how ELSA can set up its reserve in a sustainable way;
  • Assist in preparing and conducting Open Calls and workshops.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time and team management skills;
  • Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills;
  • Excellent planning skills;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of Financial Management, especially in relation to investments
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Ability to think critically;
  • Ability to work independently.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low to mild pressure throughout the year (~4-10 hr per week). Expected to attend monthly calls with the President and/or the Secretary General of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nathalie Labar


The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

President of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for ELSA Development Foundation (EDF) supports the International Board in the administration and long-term development of the Foundation. This mostly entails supporting the Board of Directors of the ELSA Development Foundation in reviewing applications, but also other tasks that will improve the sustainability of the Foundation.


  • Work on the different EDF applications submitted by National and Local Groups;
  • Research on a new possible income source for EDF;
  • Update the tools provided by ELSA International to National Groups for applying for EDF support;
  • Train National and Local Officers on the EDF.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time and team management skills;
  • Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills;
  • Excellent planning skills;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of the ELSA Development Foundation;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Ability to think critically;
  • Ability to work independently.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10 hr per week). Expected to attend monthly calls with representatives from the Board of Directors of the ELSA Development Foundation (President, Secretary General & Vice President in charge of Seminars & Conferences of the International Board).

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nathalie Labar


The International Board 2024/2025


Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for Marketing will be responsible for the general coordination of all marketing activities, including regular design tasks, creation of promotion strategiesThe Director will be communicating with the members of the Marketing Team to ensure the coordination of their tasks.


  • Support the Vice President in charge of Marketing in tasks related to marketing of ELSA International;
  • Coordinate  the Marketing Team;
  • Regularly observe the National Groups’ compliance with ELSA’s Corporate Identity;
  • Coordinate Network-wide promotion of specific projects, in collaboration with the Director for Public Relations.


  • High marketing, communication and management skills;
  • Creativity and a solution-oriented approach;
  • Knowledge of graphic design software;
  • High responsiveness, proactiveness and ability to work independently.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects;
  • Having the possibility to participate  in IIMs as  a member of the EIT Delegation.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10 hr per week). Expected to attend meetings with the Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nikola Grochowska

Vice President in charge of Marketing

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant(s) for Marketing will be in charge of conducting general marketing tasks assigned by the Director for Marketing or the Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board, across all fields of Marketing.


  • Communicate frequently with the Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board of ELSA and the Director for Marketing;
  • General marketing tasks;
  • Regularly observe the National Groups’ compliance with ELSA’s Corporate Identity;
  • When required, collaborate closely with the Publications team on the design of various publications.


  • General marketing and communication skills;
  • Basic knowledge of graphic design;
  • Interest in rotating assignments within the Marketing area;
  • High responsiveness and ability to work independently.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low pressure throughout the year (~5hrs per week). Expected to attend meetings with the Director for Marketing and the Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board. Possible higher pressure during the months of October, November, March and April.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nikola Grochowska

Vice President in charge of Marketing

The International Board 2024/2025 

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The area of Marketing in ELSA is a highly technical field. To excel in the roles of Vice Presidents in charge of Marketing, Officers need proper knowledge about the ELSA brand, graphic design and promotion. The Director for Knowledge Management will oversee the process of employing  Marketers with the necessary knowledge and skills through workshops and trainings. They will also be responsible for the implementation of ELSA’s Corporate Identity by the Marketing Officers of the Network and coordinating the related tasks. 


  • Coordinate the process of retaining marketing knowledge across the Network, in collaboration with the Assistant for Knowledge Management;
  • Educate Marketeers across the Network about promotion, graphic design and other skills through workshops, trainings, and other educational materials; 
  • Regularly observe the National Groups’ compliance with ELSA’s Corporate Identity.


  • Complete understanding of the Branding and Corporate Identity of ELSA;
  • Knowledge of graphic design software;
  • Previous experience as an active Marketeer;
  • High marketing, and communication skills;
  • High responsiveness, proactiveness and ability to work independently.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10 hr per week). Expected to attend meetings with the Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nikola Grochowska

Vice President in charge of Marketing

The International Board 2024/2025 

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The area of Marketing in ELSA is a highly technical field. To excel in the roles of Vice Presidents in charge of Marketing, Officers need proper knowledge about the ELSA brand, graphic design and promotion. The Assistant for Knowledge Management will support the Director for Knowledge Management and be responsible for the implementation of ELSA’s Corporate Identity by the Marketing Officers of the Network. They will collaborate on preparing necessary materials to be further used for the education of Marketing Officers.


  • Support the creation of educational materials regarding marketing knowledge and basic Corporate Identity rules;
  • Cooperate closely and communicate frequently with the Director for Knowledge Management;
  • Regularly observe the National Groups’ compliance with ELSA’s Corporate Identity.


  • Complete understanding of the Branding and Corporate Identity of ELSA;
  • General marketing, and communication skills;
  • Previous experience as a Marketer;
  • Knowledge of graphic design and editing software.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5hr per week). Expected to attend meetings with the Director fro Knowledge Management and the Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nikola Grochowska

Vice President in charge of Marketing

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The task of the Assistant for Visuals is to assist the Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board of ELSA in creating audiovisual materials, as well as graphic content to be used for various types of promotion. This includes updating existing marketing materials, as well as supporting the creation of elements requiring higher proficiency in graphic design software, such as logos. The Assistant for Visuals will potentially be involved in the further development of the recently created Audiovisuals Handbook.


  • Brainstorm on and develop visual materials in line with the Corporate Identity and brands of ELSA’s projects together with the Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board of ELSA and Key Areas of ELSA in need of such promotion;
  • Take part in recording audiovisual material during International Projects organised by ELSA International;
  • Work on the further development and update of the Audiovisuals Handbook;
  • Update existing and create new marketing materials/templates and guidelines to help ELSA Officers promote the Association and its projects.


  • High marketing and communication skills;
  • High responsiveness, an ability to work independently;
  • Familiarity with the following softwares: Adobe Photoshop/ InDesign/Illustrator, Canva and FinalCutPro/CapCut or any other video editing software;
  • Each applicant shall prepare a portfolio of their graphic design/audiovisual work, to be presented during the interview.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild to high pressure throughout the year (~5-8 hrs per week). Higher pressure during the months of October, November, March and April. 

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nikola Grochowska

Vice President in charge of Marketing

The International Board 2024/2025 

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for Public Relations will assist the Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board of ELSA with the overall public image of the Association and its Projects. The Director, in collaboration with the Assistants for PR will create Public Relations Strategies to be implemented by National Groups, as well as assist the development of social media strategies to be used by ELSA International, alongside the Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board of ELSA. The Director will be involved in a potential restructuring or overall improvement of the area, as per the Strategic Plan of ELSA.


  • Coordinate the creation of Public Relations Strategies;
  • Stable communication with the National Officers and support with regards to creating National Public Relations Strategies;
  • Coordinate cross-promotion within the Network, in collaboration with the Director for Marketing;
  • Engage in discussions regarding the improvement and development of the PR area;
  • Give insights and interpret ELSA International’s social media statistics; 
  • Oversee and coordinate the work of Assistants for Public Relations.


  • High communication and management skills;
  • Previous experience in creating social media and/or Public Relations strategies;
  • Creativity and a solution-oriented approach;
  • High proficiency in English;
  • High responsiveness, proactiveness and ability to work independently.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


High pressure throughout the year (~10 hr per week). Expected to attend meetings with the Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nikola Grochowska

Vice President in charge of Marketing

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistants for PR will assist the Director for PR with the development of the PR Strategies and overall public image and social media presence. The Assistants will also be responsible for the maintenance of ELSA’s social media engagement and online visibility. The Assistants will engage in discussions regarding the development of Public Relations as an area.


  • Keep up with marketing trends and implement them in strategies used by ELSA;
  • Research latest marketing tools and develop ways to employ them in the promotion of ELSA;
  • Continuous work on any materials supporting the Public Relations of ELSA Groups;
  • Copywriting for social media purposes;
  • Content creation and review for the social media pages of ELSA International.


  • High communication skills;
  • Previous experience in creating social media strategies;
  • Interest in the latest marketing and promotion trends;
  • High proficiency in English;
  • Ability to work independently.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5hrs per week). Expected to attend meetings with the Director for Public Relations.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nikola Grochowska

Vice President in charge of Marketing

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


Together with the Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board of ELSA, the Director for Synergy will be in charge of reviewing and uploading articles from around the ELSA Network, to the Synergy blog. The Director will also be tasked with searching  for articles both within and outside of the ELSA Network, and help with the editorial work. The Director will be able to influence the content of the magazine and will assist with its promotion.


  • Search, develop and curate content for the Synergy online platform, and other possible publications;
  • Send emails to potential authors encouraging them to contribute;
  • Collect, proofread the content and editing articles;
  • Brainstorm promotion opportunities for the Synergy blog;
  • Engage in the further development of the Synergy platform and the submission process, for example through working on the platform.


  • Familiar with editorial work on articles or longer bodies of text; 
  • Having proficiency in English;
  • High responsiveness, proactiveness and ability to work independently;
  • Creativity and detail-oriented approach;
  • Familiar with online website-building platforms such as Squarespace.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5hr per week). Expected to attend meetings with the  Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nikola Grochowska

Vice President in charge of Marketing

The International Board 2024/2025 

Academic Activities

Deadline for application

11th of August 2023, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for Academic Activities will work closely with the Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board throughout the year in the general aspects of the area. The Director will focus on the strategic improvement of the projects that belong to the area of Academic Activities from an all-encompassing perspective. They will help the Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board manage the knowledge of the area and update all the available tools. 


  • Assist and collaborate directly with the International Board on general running tasks of the area;
  • Develop and coordinate the implementation of  long-term ideas for the Academic Activities area;
  • Research ways to improve the sustainability and visibility of the Academic Activities area projects;
  • Keep a general calendar of international Academic Activities events;
  • Assist with preparation and delivery of workshops and open calls;
  • Coordinate teams and communicate with IT in the development of project websites;
  • Develop knowledge management tools in the Academic Activities area.


  • Knowledge of the history of ELSA and the recent developments in the area of Academic Activities;
  • Experience in ELSA;
  • Ability to work independently;
  • Great time management skills;
  • Excellent command of English;
  • Strong communication skills;
  • Responsiveness.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low to mild pressure throughout the year (~4-6 hr per week), but varying significantly depending on different pressure points across the calendar of the Area. Expected to attend a biweekly and on-demand calls, as well as keep a proactive correspondence with the Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board and schedule and conduct calls with others when needed.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities

International Board 2024/2025

Human Rights

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


ELSA continuously proves its commitment to human rights and human rights education through various initiatives on different levels, such the Annual Human Rights Campaign. The International Board is looking for a person specifically dedicated to working with human rights in ELSA. 

This will be focused on working on coordinating the Annual Human Rights Campaign on Human Rights and Criminal Justice. The Director for Human Rights will also be coordinating the Human Rights Team. Additionally, the Director for Human Rights will be responsible for reviewing input papers from the Network, drafting  the supporting materials that will be sent out and lastly coordinating the research on choosing the topic for next year’s Annual Human Rights Campaign.


  • Coordinate the Annual Human Rights Campaign;
  • Conduct research on the current Annual Human Rights Campaign topic;
  • Communicate with and lead the proactive support of the National Annual Human Rights Campaign Coordinators;
  • Manage a calendar and organize calls with the team;
  • Coordination of the Assistants in the team,  answering their questions and reporting back to the International Board;
  • Draft the Supporting Materials that include ideas and initiatives on the current Annual Human Rights Campaign topic; 
  • Communicate closely with the Marketing team to implement new solutions and promotion strategies;
  • Communicate closely with the Advocacy team to implement a focus on human rights in ELSA’s advocacy efforts;
  • Help with the coordination of ELSA Day events around the Νetwork;
  • Assist the International Board with the preparation and delivery of workshops.


  • Excellent time management and communication skills;
  • Excellent team management skills;
  • Excellent planning skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Experience in project management;
  • Ability to work independently;
  • Ability to delegate tasks;
  • Demonstrated knowledge in the human rights field and communication with the network;
  • Previous involvement or interest in human rights.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10h per week), focused especially during the preparations for ELSA Day, scoring of AHRC Competition and visibility materials submissions (Sept, Mar) and during the weeks leading up to the publishing of Supporting Materials (1st Sept, 1st Jan, 1st May). Expected to attend weekly/ biweekly meetings with the supervising Member of the International Board and organize frequent meetings with the Human Rights team.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025 

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


ELSA shall be continuously committed to human rights awareness, human rights education. The International Board is looking for Assistants specifically dedicated to working with human rights in ELSA and who will support the Network to implement our key values. 

This will be focused on working on the Annual Human Rights Campaign including the information campaign on Criminal Justice and Human Rights and researching human rights in ELSA, as well as researching and compiling the research on focus subpoints during the year. Assistants for Human Rights will also be responsible for assisting the Director for Human Rights on research of the topic of next year’s Annual Human Rights Campaign, coordination of the project Network-wide and support for the organizing Groups.


  • Coordinate the Annual Human Rights Campaign;
  • Research topics pertinent to the Annual Human Rights Campaign topic;
  • Actively participate in research how Local and National Groups implement human rights;
  • Communicate with the Network regarding Human Rights initiatives;
  • Assist all members of the International Board in their general work regarding human rights.


  • Previous involvement or interest in human rights;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Being devoted to the work and reply to emails in due time;
  • Time management and communication skills;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability to work independently;
  • Being able to act professionally towards the Network and external contacts.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low to mild pressure throughout the year (~4-6h). Higher pressure during the preparations for ELSA Day, scoring of AHRC Competition submissions (Sept, Mar) and during the weeks leading up to the publishing of Supporting Materials (1st Sept, 1st Jan, 1st May). Expected to attend weekly/ biweekly meetings with the supervising Member of the International Board and the Director for Human Rights. 

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025 

Rule of Law Education (ROLE)

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


ELSA should constantly develop awareness and knowledge of the Rule of Law. The International Board is looking for a person specifically dedicated to working with the Rule of Law in ELSA. This person will be the right hand of the Vice President in charge of Academic Activities for coordinating the Rule of Law Education Programme (ROLE) in collaboration with ELSA Alumni. The ROLE Programme aims to educate youth on their fundamental rights and the rule of law. The Director for ROLE will be responsible for the overall coordination of the Programme, as well as be one of the main contact people when it comes to cooperation with ELSA Alumni and organizing National and Local Groups. Finally, they will be managing the ROLE Train the Facilitators Conference in February in person along with the Coordinator for ROLE TtF (expenses covered by ELSA).


  • Coordinate the Rule of Law Education Programme;
  • Manage a calendar and organize calls of the ROLE team;
  • Lead and coordinate the work of the ROLE coaching system;
  • Direct and report on the work of the ROLE Train the Facilitators Conference team;
  • Lead the team in supporting the academic aspect of the ROLE Train the Facilitators Conference as part of the International Organizing Committee;
  • Develop  professional materials to be used for coaching and facilitation;
  • Communicate closely with the External Relations Team to create a fundraising strategy for the ROLE Programme;
  • Communicate closely with the Marketing team to maintain the ROLE promotion strategy;
  • Communicate closely with the Grants team and the International Board to assist in applying and reporting  for the EYF grant;
  • Communicate closely with the Advocacy team to research and implement advocacy on the Rule of Law;
  • Lead the ROLE team in close collaboration with the International Board in drafting a proposal for classifying ROLE as a Flagship project of ELSA;
  • Assist all International Board  members in their general work regarding Rule of Law;


  • Experience in ROLE implementation;
  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time;
  • Excellent time management and communication skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability to work  independently;
  • Being able to act professionally towards the Network, and external contacts;
  • Physical presence at the ROLE Train the Facilitators Conference;
  • Experience with social responsibility initiatives or other international events is an advantage.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild to high pressure throughout the year (~7-12h per week). Expected to attend weekly/ biweekly meetings with the supervising Member of the International Board and organize frequent meetings with the ROLE team.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


ELSA should constantly develop awareness and knowledge of Rule of Law. The International Board is looking for a person specifically dedicated to working with Rule of Law in ELSA. This person will be in charge of managing the communication of Coaches with the National Groups and Local Groups that implement or want to implement ROLE. They will systematize the guidance of said groups during the entire proces based on preset templates and creative assistance, ensuring their concerns and difficulties around implementing ROLE are addressed timely. They will work closely with the Director for ROLE to ensure that organizing Groups are progressing well and are provided with all the necessary knowledge to organise their events. Finally, they will lead the preparation of agenda, trainings and academic programme for the TtF Conference. Finally, they will have priority to attend the ROLE Train the Facilitators Conference in February in person as member of the International organizing Committee (expenses covered by ELSA).


  • Coordinating the ROLE coaching system;
  • Lead the coaching team and maintain frequent communication & calls with them;
  • Lead the support to the Network in organising ROLE;
  • Answer questions related to ROLE coming from National and Local Groups;
  • Overview high-quality standards among ROLE Programmes;
  • Manage knowledge flow to organizing Groups;
  • Communicate and report to the Director for ROLE;
  • Manage user agreements regarding the curriculum; 
  • Lead the development of the academic part of the ROLE “Τrain the Facilitators” Conference;
  • Close communication and participation with the rest of the ROLE team.


  • Experience in ROLE implementation;
  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time;
  • Excellent time management and communication skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability to  work independently;
  • Physical presence at the ROLE Train the Facilitators Conference is an advantage;
  • Experience with social responsibility initiatives or other international events is an advantage.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low to mild pressure throughout the year (~5-8h per week). Expected to attend weekly/ biweekly meetings with the supervising Member of the International Board  and the Director for ROLE.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


ELSA should constantly develop awareness and knowledge of Rule of Law. The International Board is looking for a person specifically dedicated to working with Rule of Law in ELSA. This person will be in charge of communicating with the National Groups and Local Groups that implement or want to implement ROLE. They will systematically guide said groups during the entire proces based on preset templates and creative assistance, addressing their concerns and difficulties around implementing ROLE. They will work closely with the Director for ROLE to ensure that organizing Groups are progressing well and are provided with all the necessary knowledge to organise their events. Finally, they will assist the TtF team in the preparation of trainings and academic programme for the ROLE Train the Facilitators Conference in February, and will have priority to attend the Conference in person as member of the International organizing Committee (expenses covered by ELSA).


  • Support the Network in organising ROLE, undertaking the coaching role;
  • Answer questions related to ROLE coming from National and Local Groups;
  • Ensure high-quality standards among ROLE Programmes;
  • Provide information and knowledge to organizing Groups;
  • Communicate and report to the Coordinator for ROLE Coaching;
  • Implement user agreements regarding the curriculum; 
  • Frequently track the situation of the ROLE Programme in the implementing National Groups;
  • Participate in developing the academic part of the ROLE “Τrain the Facilitators” Conference;
  • Close communication and participation with the rest of the ROLE team.


  • Experience in ROLE implementation;
  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time;
  • Excellent time management and communication skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability to  work independently;
  • Physical presence at the ROLE Train the Facilitators Conference is an advantage;
  • Experience with social responsibility initiatives or other international events is an advantage.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low to mild pressure throughout the year (~4-6h per week). Expected to attend weekly/ biweekly meetings with the supervising Member of the International Board  and the Director for ROLE. 

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025 

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


ELSA should constantly develop awareness and knowledge of the Rule of Law. The International Board is looking for a person specifically dedicated to promoting the Rule of Law in a structured and systematic way to impact law students and young lawyers from the entire Network, focusing on organizing the ROLE Train the Facilitators Conference in Brussels. This person will be in charge of communicating with the International Board and the Director for ROLE, as well as the rest of the ROLE team, participants, partners and trainers. Together with the ROLE Director, they will lead the TtF team in preparation, organization, execution, follow up and reporting on the Conference happening in February as part of the International Organizing Committee (expenses covered by ELSA). Finally, they will contribute and coordinate the drafting of EYF grants and applications for the Conference.


  • Coordinate the organization of the ROLE TtF Conference;
  • Coordinate the work of assistants;
  • Answer the questions of the Network and externals related to the Conference;
  • Report to the International Board and the Director for the Rule of Law;
  • Oversee reachout and research regarding accommodation, meals, socials, travel and program of the Conference; 
  • Communicate with participants regarding meals, travel, reimbursements and more;
  • Eexecuting the Conference in February in person as amember of the International Organizing Committee;
  • Coordinate assistants in writing and compiling the EYF grant report and EYF grant application;
  • Manage a calendar and organizing calls with assistants;
  • Close communication and participation with the rest of the ROLE team.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time;
  • Excellent time management and communication skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability to work independently;
  • Physical presence at the Conference.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low to mild pressure throughout the year (~5-8h per week). Expected to attend weekly/ biweekly meetings with the supervising Member of the International Board and the Director for ROLE Programme. 

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


ELSA should constantly develop awareness and knowledge of the Rule of Law. The International Board is looking for a person specifically dedicated to promoting the Rule of Law in a structured and systematic way to impact law students and young lawyers from the entire Network, focusing on organizing the ROLE Train the Facilitators Conference in Brussels. This person will support the Conference taking place in February in collaboration with the Coordinator, as well as the rest of the ROLE team, participants, partners and trainers. They will prepare, organize, execute, follow up on and report on the Conference as members of the International Organizing Commitee (expenses covered by ELSA). Finally, they will contribute to the drafting of EYF grants and applications for the Conference.


  • Participate in the organization of the ROLE TtF Conference;
  • Answer the questions of the Network and externals related to the Conference;
  • Report to the International Board and the Coordinator;
  • Conduct reachout and research regarding accommodation, meals, socials, travel and program of the Conference; 
  • Communicate with participants regarding participation, travel, reimbursements and more;
  • Eexecute the Conference in February in person as part of the International Organizing Committee;
  • Participate in writing and compiling the EYF grant report and EYF grant application;
  • Close communication and participation with the rest of the ROLE team.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time;
  • Good time management and communication skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability to work independently;
  • Physical presence at the Conference is an advantage.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low to mild pressure throughout the year (~4-6h per week). Expected to attend weekly/ biweekly meetings with the supervising Member of the International Board and the Director for ROLE Programme. 

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025 


Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for Publications will be responsible for coordinating communication with and coordination of the Publications team, including the Assistant for ELSA Law Review (ELR), the Assistant for Legal Research Groups (LRG) and the Editorial Board of the ELSA Law Review. The Director will be in continuous contact with the Network and assist National and Local Groups in developing Law Reviews, LRGs, Essay Competitions etc. Furthermore, the Director will coordinate work of the Editorial team within the Publications team. The Director will also assist on the ELSA Law Review where needed, e.g. by blinding ELR submissions. 


  • Lead the Publications team and maintain frequent communication with them;
  • Coordinate the Assistant for the ELR, Director for Legal Research Groups and Director for the International Legal Research Group and regularly report to the Vice President in charge ofAcademic Activities of the International Board;
  • Coordinate the Law Reviews of the Network;
  • Coordinate communication with supporting and cross-functional teams in the development of the webpage, reachout for Academic reviewers and promotion;
  • Coordinate the Concluding Report of the ILRG on Law & Sustainability;
  • Assist in preparation and delivery of workshops and open calls;
  • Revise and update materials.


  • Previous experience with legal publications;
  • Vast experience in team management;
  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent team management skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability to  work independently;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time;
  • Being able to act professionally towards external contacts. 


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10h per week).  Expected to attend monthly  meetings with the supervising Member of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant for the ELSA Law Review (ELR) will function as the Deputy Editor in Chief of the ELSA Law Review and the team leader of the ELSA Law Review. The Assistant will coordinate the work of the article assessors, communicate with the peer-reviewers and prepare the law review for publication. The Assistant will also be responsible for developing and coordinating the ELSA Law Review Blog and communicating with the External Relations Teams regarding the public relations of the ELR.


  • Coordinate the ELSA Law Review;
  • Coordinate the ELSA Law Review Team and frequently report to the Director for Publications;
  • Coordinate the peer-review of the law review;
  • Overall control the quality of the ELSA Law Review;
  • Ensure the publication of the ELSA Law Review in cooperation with the publication partner;
  • Coordinate the ELSA Law Review Blog.


  • Previous experience with legal publications or other forms of publications;
  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Experience in team and project management;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low to mild pressure throughout the year (~3-8h per week).  Expected to attend monthly meetings with the supervising Member of the International Board and the Director for Publications. 

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025 

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board of ELSA 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


It is of utmost importance that ELSA’s publications are of high academic quality, and therefore, the International Board of ELSA is looking for Academic Editors to assist in the development of ELSA’s publications. The Academic Editors will work on the ELSA Law Review, Synergy Magazine and other relevant publications.


  • Review and shortlist articles for the ELSA Law Review;
  • Assess the quality and providefeedback on the Reports of the Legal Research Groups from the Network if needed; 
  • Review articles submitted for Synergy Magazine and recommend them for publication.


  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability  to work independently;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time;
  • A bachelor’s degree in law is an advantage;
  • Previous experience in legal writing (such as the drafting of a thesis or publication of an article) is an advantage;
  • Experience with legal publications or other forms of publications is an advantage.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low pressure throughout the year (~2-5h per week). Expected to attend monthly meetings with the supervising Member of the International Board and the Director for Publications.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025 

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


Linguistic editing is the process of streamlining the language of publications to a certain standard based on ELSA’s language manual. This process is essential for the professional outlook and impact of ELSA’s publications.

The Linguistic Editors are responsible for the professional appearance of the ELSA Law Review, the Legal Research Groups of the Network if needed and other relevant publications by ensuring that the language is correct, professional and streamlined. The Linguistic Editors will furthermore provide constant feedback to the authors and researchers. They will further regularly report to the Director for Publications.


  • Review linguistic aspects of ELSA’s publications;
  • Communicate with authors; 
  • Ensure the professional outlook of the publications.



  • Previous experience with legal publications or other forms of publications;
  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;


  • Ability to work under pressure and good time management skills;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time;
  • Ability to  work independently..


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low pressure throughout the year (~2-4h per week). Expected to attend monthly meetings with the supervising Member of the International Board and the Director for Publications.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025 

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The International Board of ELSA is looking for Technical Editors to assist in the process of editing ELSA’s publications. The editors will be part of a large publications team which will work on the ELSA Law Review, Legal Research Groups of the Network if needed and other publications.


The Technical Editors are responsible for the professional appearance of the publications by editing headings, footnotes etc. and providing constant feedback to the authors and researchers. The Technical Editors will furthermore work closely with ELSA’s Publishing Partner and will regularly report to the Director for Publications.


  • Format the publications to comply with the requirements of the Publisher;
  • Communicate with authors, researchers and the entire Publications Team; and
  • Ensure the professional outlook of the publications.


  • Knowledge in Word document formatting;
  • Ability to work under pressure and good time management skills;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability to work independently;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time;
  • Experience with legal publications or other forms of publications is an advantage.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low pressure throughout the year (~2-4h per week). Low to mild pressure throughout the year (~4-6h per week).  Expected to attend monthly meetings with the supervising Member of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025 

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


Proofreaders are an essential part of any of ELSA’s publications. Together with the Linguistic Editor, they ensure that  professional outlook and impact of these publications. The proofreaders will mainly work on the ELSA Law Review, Legal Research Groups of the Network if needed and other publications.


  • Proofread the publications to comply with the requirements of the Publisher;
  • Communicate with researchers and the entire Publications Team; and
  • Ensure the professional outlook of the publications.


  • Previous  experience with legal publications or other forms of publications
  • Knowledge  in Word document formatting;
  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time;


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low pressure throughout the year (~2-4h per week). Low to mild pressure throughout the year (~4-6h per week).  Expected to attend monthly meetings with the supervising Member of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board of ELSA 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for Legal Research Group will support the Legal Research Groups of the Network throughout the year. They will also be responsible for developing all necessary materials, especially quality standards in order to support the Network. Furthermore, they will track the Legal Research Groups in the Network and will report directly to the Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board. 


  • Assisting the Legal Research Groups of the Network and frequently report to the Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board;
  • Overall control the quality of the Legal Research Groups of the Network;
  • Ensure the publication of the Final Reports of the Network’s Legal Research Groups in cooperation with the publication partner.


  • Previous experience with legal publications or other forms of publications; 
  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time management and communication skills;
  • Ability  to work under pressure;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time;


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low to mild pressure throughout the year (~4-6h per week). Expected to attend monthly meetings with the supervising Member of the International Board and the Director for Publications. 

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025


The area of Competitions is significantly growing in the Network, with national and local Moot Courts and Academic Competitions, such as the Client Interviewing Competition (CIC), Witness Interviewing Competition (WIC), becoming more popular every year. The Competitions Team will be responsible for facilitating the organisation of competitions in the Network by providing Trainings and developing and updating materials.

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for Competitions will be responsible for coordinating the work of the Assistants in the team. The Director will be in close cooperation with the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board to support the Competitions team in creating and updating necessary materials that can be helpful for the Network in the organisation of their national and local competitions.


  • Coordination of the Assistants in the team, answering their questions and reporting back to the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board;
  • Develop and update internal knowledge management materials;
  • Contact trainers for training sessions, whenever required; 
  • Assist in coaching the Network on Competitions;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board with organising online open calls and workshops.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time management and communication skills;
  • Good team management skills and preferably previous experience in team management;
  • Ability  to act professionally towards the National and Local Groups and external contacts including judges and teams;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability  to work independently;
  • Attention to detail and technicalities;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time; 
  • Experience with Academic Competitions or other international events is an advantage.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10hr per week).

Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the Vice President in charge of Competitions and meetings with the whole Competitions team every three to four weeks.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Aliena Trefny

Vice President in charge of Competitions

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant for Competitions’ Development will assist the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board in creating strategies to develop the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition and the Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition.


  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board with the planning of the long-term development strategy of the competitions;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board with broadening the knowledge of the Competitions where it could be needed; 
  • Work on materials and strategies to promote the Competitions and to develop it in the long term.


  • Flexbility;
  • Background in communication and marketing is an advantage;
  • Experience with the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition, the Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition and/or Academic Competitions/Moot Court Competitions is an advantage;
  • Ability to work independently;
  • Ability to have a holistic approach of strategic planning;
  • Being devoted to the work and promptly answer to emails, as much as to draft it; 
  • Ability  to act and to communicate professionally towards the organisers and other external contacts.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.



Low pressure throughout the year (<5hr per week).

Expected to attend meetings with the whole Competitions team every three to four weeks.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.

For further information and questions, please contact:

Aliena Trefny

Vice President in charge of Competitions

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


Moot Court Competitions in our Network constitutes a strong area, not only because of the size of the projects organised, but also because of the amount of competitions organised within National and Local Groups. Thus, in order to support the Competitions network, it is crucial to have international team’s members dedicated to the moot court competitions at the Local and National level. 

The Assistant for Moot Court Competitions will coordinate the communication within the Competitions network and will assist the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board with the transmission of the information and the discussions to them.


  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board in the communication with the Competitions Area;
  • Develop and update materials relevant to the organisation of national and local moot courts;
  • Provide support to the National and Local Vice Presidents for Competitions;
  • Provide training to the Competitions officers inside the network.
  • Track the situation of different Moot Court Competitions in the Network with the help of the specification form that will be introduced and report to the Director for Competitions;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board with organising online open calls and workshops.


  • Be able to work independently;
  • Having a good knowledge of the ELSA network and its internal structure;
  • Be devoted to the work and promptly answer to emails;
  • Having an experience of national and local moot court competitions;
  • Having an overview of the challenges that the Vice Presidents will potentially face.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10hr per week). A vast part of the workload will consist in direct communication with the Vice Presidents at the National (and Local) level. The peak of the workload will be before the International Internal Meetings of ELSA.

Expected to attend meetings with the whole Competitions team every three to four weeks.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Aliena Trefny

Vice President in charge of Competitions

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The area of Academic Competitions is diverse and growing, and therefore the Network has expressed a need for more supporting materials and assistance in organising Academic Competitions. The Assistant for Academic Competitions will be tasked with developing materials such as handbooks, score sheets and rules and coach the Network on how to use them. The work will be especially focussed on the ELSA Negotiation Competition, ELSA Legal Debates, the Client Interviewing Competition and the Witness Interviewing Competition. However, Assistants may also work on developing new formats.

Applicants should express whether they wish to work on one specific project and outline their experience within such project.


  • Develop materials for Academic Competitions such as rules, score sheets and handbooks;
  • Coach Local and National Groups wishing to organise Academic Competitions;
  • Track the situation of different Academic Competitions in the Network with the help of the specification form that will be introduced and report to the Director for Competitions;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board with organising online open calls and workshops.


  • Excellent time management and communication skills;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Ability  to work independently;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time; 
  • Experience with Academic Competitions or other international events is an advantage.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10hr per week). A vast part of the workload will consist in direct communication with the Vice Presidents from the Network. 

Expected to attend meetings with the whole Competitions team every three to four weeks.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Aliena Trefny

Vice President in charge of Competitions

The International Board 2024/2025 

John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition

The John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition is the biggest and most prestigious competition that ELSA organises, with the technical support of the World Trade Organization. As one of the leading moot court competitions in the world, we contribute to the trade law society not only in Europe – but all around the globe.

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition will be responsible for coordinating and distributing the work of the Assistants and will report directly to the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board. The Director will work closely with the Vice President in charge of Competitions throughout the year and is expected to be committed to the Competition during the entire duration, especially when the different deadlines and activities are taking place. This position shall play the most important role in the organisation of the Competition after the Vice President in charge of Competitions. The Director is expected to be present in Geneva during the respective days to take part in the International Organising Committee of the physical Final Oral Round and potentially during Regional Rounds as well.


  • Coordinate the Assistants in the team, answering their questions and reporting back to the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board in the communication with the ELSA International Team;
  • Keep a general calendar and host team meetings;
  • Step in to help the Assistants in cases of high workload; 
  • Work closely with the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board on the management of the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition; 
  • Be present during the Final Oral Round (and potentially during Regional Rounds).


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Previous experience with the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition is an advantage;
  • High level communication skills;
  • Good team management skills and preferably previous experience in team management;
  • Ability to work under pressure and good time management skills;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability  to work independently;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time;
  • Ability  to act professionally towards teams and other external contacts;
  • Experience with Moot Court Competitions or other international events is an advantage; 
  • Knowledge of the city of Geneva and/or French language is an advantage.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


High pressure throughout the year (~10-15 hr per week), however, mainly during the launch of the Competition (September), as well as before deadlines such as Clarification Questions (November), Written Submissions and Penalty Scoring (December/January) and Regional Rounds (~March-April). The peak will be during the Final Oral Round (June). The workload will subside after the publication of the 23rd Edition Final Report (July).

Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board, as well as biweekly meetings with the whole team.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Aliena Trefny

Vice President in charge of Competitions

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant for the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition will be responsible for supporting the Director in coordinating and distributing the work of the rest of the Assistants and will report directly to the them. The Assistant will Director throughout the year as their right hand and is expected to be committed to the Competition during the entire duration, especially when the different deadlines and activities are taking place. The Assistant is expected to be present in Geneva during the respective days to take part in the International Organising Committee of the physical Final Oral Round and potentially during Regional Rounds as well.


  • Support the Director in coordinating the Assistants in the team, answering their questions and reporting back to the Director;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board and the Director in the communication with the ELSA International Team;
  • Keep a general calendar and host team meetings;
  • Step in to help the Director and the other Assistants in cases of high workload; 
  • Work closely with the Director on the management of the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition; 
  • Be present during the Final Oral Round (and potentially during Regional Rounds).


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Previous experience with the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition is an advantage;
  • High level communication skills;
  • Good team management skills and preferably previous experience in team management;
  • Ability to work under pressure and good time management skills;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability  to work independently;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time;
  • Ability  to act professionally towards teams and other external contacts;
  • Experience with Moot Court Competitions or other international events is an advantage; 
  • Knowledge of the city of Geneva and/or French language is an advantage.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild to high pressure throughout the year (~5-10 hr per week/~10-15 hr per week), however, mainly during the launch of the Competition (September), as well as before deadlines such as Clarification Questions (November), Written Submissions and Penalty Scoring (December/January) and Regional Rounds (~March-April). The peak will be during the Final Oral Round (June). The workload will subside after the publication of the 23rd Edition Final Report (July).

Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board and the Director, as well as biweekly meetings with the whole team.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Aliena Trefny

Vice President in charge of Competitions

The International Board 2024/2025 

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant for Regional Rounds outside Europe will be responsible to communicate with the Regional Round Organisers through all levels of organisations and make sure all their questions are answered. The Assistant will report to the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board and the Director for the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition. The Assistant is expected to be present during the respective Regional Rounds as well as the Final Oral Round of the Competition. 


  • Take the lead in communicating with the Regional Round Organisers, assisted by the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board and the Director for the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition;
  • Coach the Regional Round Organisers, guide them through the materials, fix deadlines and make sure that they stick to all of them;
  • Schedule regular calls with the Regional Round Organisers;
  • Deal with all the Regional Round Organisers throughout the entirety of the competition;
  • Answer questions of the Regional Round Organisers; 
  • Communicate also with the Assistant for Teams of the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • High level communication skills;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability to work independently and take initiative;
  • Experience with moot court competitions or other international events is an advantage;
  • Ability to work under pressure and good time management skills;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time; and
  • Ability to act professionally towards the organisers and other external contacts.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


High pressure throughout the year (~10-15hr per week). The workload will subside after the conclusion of the Regional Rounds (around March and April), however, the Assistant is expected to be actively involved in the organisation of the Final Oral Round in Geneva (June).

Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the whole team. 

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Aliena Trefny

Vice President in charge of Competitions

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant for European Regional Rounds will be responsible to communicate with the Regional Round Organisers – ELSA Groups – through all levels of organisations and make sure all their questions are answered. The Assistant will report to the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board and the Director for the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition. The Assistant is expected to be present during the respective Regional Rounds as well as the Final Oral Round of the Competition. 


  • Take the lead in communicating with the Regional Round Organisers, assisted by the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board and the Director for John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition;
  • Coach the Regional Round Organisers, guide them through the materials, fix deadlines and make sure that they stick to all of them;
  • Schedule regular calls with the Regional Round Organisers;
  • Deal with all the Regional Round Organisers throughout the entirety of the competition;
  • Answer questions of the Regional Round Organisers; 
  • Communicate also with the Assistant for Teams of the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • High level communication skills;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability to work independently and take initiative;
  • Experience with moot court competitions or other international events is an advantage;
  • Ability to work under pressure and good time management skills;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time; and
  • Ability to act professionally towards the organisers and other external contacts.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


High pressure throughout the year (~10-15hr per week). The workload will subside after the conclusion of the Regional Rounds (around March and April), however, the Assistant is expected to be actively involved in the organisation of the Final Oral Round in Geneva (June).

Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the whole team. 

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Aliena Trefny

Vice President in charge of Competitions

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant for Panellists in the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition will be responsible for coordinating the Panellists throughout the Competition including sending the Written Submissions to Panellists for scoring, allocating Panellists to each respective Regional Round, as well as the Final Oral Round. The Assistant will be answering questions of the Panellists and providing them with all necessary information. The Assistant will report to the Director for the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition and the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board. They are also expected to be present in Geneva to take part in the International Organising Committee of the Final Oral Round (June). 


  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board and the Director for the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition with the administration of documents and information throughout the year;
  • Deal with the Panellists during the entire period of the Competition;
  • Understand the structure of the competition and the role of the Panellists in it;
  • Be able to communicate professionally with the Panellists, WTO and international trade law experts from all over the world;
  • Communicate with the Academic Board for the approval of Panellists before inviting them to the Regional Rounds and the Final Oral Round;
  • Answer questions of the Panellists, assisting with materials, travels, invoicing etc.; 
  • Communicate also with the Assistant for Regional Rounds to allocate efficiently the Panellists and to inform in due time the Regional Rounds Organisers.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time management and communication skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure and good time management skills;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability  to work independently;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time;
  • Ability  to act professionally towards panellists and other external contacts; 
  • Experience with Moot Court Competitions or other international events is an advantage.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mid pressure throught the year (~5-10hr per week) during the application period for the Panellists, slightly more intense workload before the Regional Rounds during the allocation period, and comparable during the Regional Rounds and the Final Oral Round.

Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the whole team. 

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Aliena Trefny

Vice President in charge of Competitions

The International Board 2024/2025

Assistant for Teams

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant for Teams of the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition will be responsible for being in constant contact with the teams, answering their questions, and providing them with all the necessary information. The Assistant will report to the Director for the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition and the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board. The Assistant is expected to be present in Geneva to take part in the International Organising Committee of the Final Oral Round (June). 


  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board during the registration period for the teams; 
  • Send confirmation emails, invoices, updates etc. to the teams;
  • Answer the questions of teams, coaches, and universities;
  • Communicate with the person in charge of finances of the International Board;
  • Answer questions and providing the needed information to the teams throughout the whole term;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board with the allocation of the teams in the Regional Rounds;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board with the accommodation of the African teams during the Final Oral Round; 
  • Work in collaboration with the Assistant for Competitions Development to create statistics of the competition.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Ability to work under pressure and good time management skills;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability to work independently;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time;
  • Ability  to act professionally towards the teams, the coaches, and the universities; 
  • Being able to edit documents for promotional purposes;
  • Experience with international events gathering a big amount of participants is an advantage; 
  • Experience with customer service or similar is an advantage.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


High pressure throughout the year (~10-15hr per week) with three general periods of work: the application period for teams; the allocation prior to the Regional Rounds; and the Final Oral Round. The workload will subside after the Final Oral Round (June) and the publication of the 23rd Edition Final Report (July).

Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the whole team. 

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Aliena Trefny

Vice President in charge of Competitions

The International Board 2024/2025 

Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition

The Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition is the world’s largest English-speaking human rights-oriented moot court competition. It is organised annually by ELSA in cooperation with the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights.

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition will be responsible for coordinating and distributing the work of the Assistants and will report directly to the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board. The Director will work closely with the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board throughout the year and is expected to be committed to the Competition during the entire duration, especially when the different deadlines and activities are taking place. This position shall play the most important role in the organisation of the Competition after the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board. The Director is expected to be present in Strasbourg during the respective days to take part in the International Organising Committee of the physical Final Oral Round and potentially during Regional Rounds as well.


  • Coordination of the Assistants in the team, answering their questions and reporting back to the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board in the communication with the ELSA International Team;
  • Keep a general calendar and hosting team meetings;
  • Step in to help Assistants in cases of high workload; 
  • Work closely with the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board on the management of the Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition; 
  • Be president during the Final Oral Round (and potentially during Regional Rounds).


  • Excellent command in both written and spoken English;
  • High level communication skills;
  • Good team management skills and preferably previous experience in team management;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability to work independently;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time;
  • Ability to act professionally towards teams and other external contacts;
  • Experience with Moot Court Competitions or other international events is an advantage; 
  • Knowledge of the city of Strasbourg and/or French language is an advantage.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


High pressure  throughout the year (~10-15hr per week), with general availability. The workload will subside after the publication of the 13th Edition Final Report (June).

Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board, as well as biweekly meetings with the whole team.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.

For further information and questions, please contact:

Aliena Trefny

Vice President in charge of Competitions

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant for Regional Rounds will be responsible to communicate with the Regional Round Organisers – ELSA Groups – through all levels of organisations and make sure all their questions are answered. The Assistant will report to the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board and the Director for the Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition. The Assistant is expected to be present during the respective Regional Rounds as well as the Final Oral Round of the Competition. 


  • Take the lead in communicating with the Regional Round Organisers, assisted by the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board and the Director for the Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition;
  • Coach the Regional Round Organisers, guide them through the materials, fix deadlines and make sure that they stick to all of them;
  • Schedule regular calls with the Regional Round Organisers;
  • Deal with all the Regional Round Organisers throughout the entirety of the competition;
  • Answer questions of the Regional Round Organisers; 
  • Communicate also with the Assistant for Teams of the Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • High level communication skills;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability to work independently and take initiative;
  • Experience with moot court competitions or other international events is an advantage;
  • Ability to work under pressure and good time management skills;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time; and
  • Ability to act professionally towards the organisers and other external contacts.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


High pressure throughout the year (~10-15hr per week). The workload will subside after the conclusion of the Regional Rounds (~February), however, the Assistant is expected to be actively involved in the organisation of the Final Oral Round in Strasbourg (May).

Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the whole team. 

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Aliena Trefny

Vice President in charge of Competitions

The International Board 2024/2025 

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant for Judges in the Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition will be responsible for coordinating the Judges throughout the Competition including sending the Written Submissions to Panellists for scoring, allocating Judges to each respective Regional Round, as well as the Final Oral Round. The Assistant will be answering questions of the Judges and providing them with all necessary information. The Assistant will report to the Director for the Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition and the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board. They are also expected to be present in Strasbourg to take part in the International Organising Committee of the Final Oral Round (May). 


  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board and the Director for the Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition with the administration of documents and information throughout the year;
  • Deal with the Judges during the entire period of the Competition;
  • Understand the structure of the competition and the role of the Judges in it;
  • Be able to communicate professionally with the Jaudges, Council of Europe and international human rights law experts from all over the world;
  • Communicate with the Vice President in charge of Competitions for the approval of Judges before inviting them to the Regional Rounds and the Final Oral Round;
  • Answer questions of the Judges, assisting with materials, travels, invoicing etc.; 
  • Communicate also with the Assistant for Regional Rounds to allocate efficiently the Judges and to inform in due time the Regional Rounds Organisers.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time management and communication skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure and good time management skills;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability  to work independently;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time;
  • Ability  to act professionally towards judges and other external contacts; 
  • Experience with Moot Court Competitions or other international events is an advantage.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10hr per week), peaking in January alongside the Written Submissions allocation (January) and Judges’ allocation for the Regional Rounds (February) and the Final Oral Round (May), after which the work will subside.

Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the whole team. 

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Aliena Trefny

Vice President in charge of Competitions

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistant for Teams of the Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition will be responsible for being in constant contact with the teams, answering their questions, and providing them with all the necessary information. The Assistant will report to the Director for the Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition and the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board. The Assistant is expected to be present in Strasbourg to take part in the International Organising Committee of the Final Oral Round (May). 


  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board during the registration period for the teams; 
  • Send confirmation emails, invoices, updates etc. to the teams;
  • Answer the questions of teams, coaches, and universities;
  • Communicate with the person in charge of finances of the International Board;
  • Answer questions and providing the needed information to the teams throughout the whole term;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Competitions of the International Board with the allocation of the teams in the Regional Rounds;
  • Work in collaboration with the Assistant for Competitions Development to create statistics of the competition.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Ability to work under pressure and good time management skills;
  • Flexibility to undertake various tasks;
  • Ability to work independently;
  • Being devoted to the work and replying to emails in due time;
  • Ability  to act professionally towards the teams, the coaches, and the universities; 
  • Being able to edit documents for promotional purposes;
  • Experience with international events gathering a big amount of participants is an advantage; 
  • Experience with customer service or similar is an advantage.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


High pressure throughout the year (~10-15hr per week) with three general periods of work: the application period for teams; the allocation prior to the Regional Rounds; and the Final Oral Round. The workload will subside after the Final Oral Round (May) and the publication of the 13th edition Final Report (July).

Expected to attend biweekly meetings with the whole team. 

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Aliena Trefny

Vice President in charge of Competitions

The International Board 2024/2025

Professional Development
ELSA Traineeships

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The ELSA Traineeships Team ensures the smooth processing of the ELSA Traineeships programme by inter alia conducting the matching of the applications twice a year, analysing the evaluation forms, crete the statistics of the programme, processing external applications and inquiries, defining, and implementing a reception strategy, and improving ELSA Traineeships documents and materials.

The Director for ELSA Traineeships shall work closely with the International Board and coordinate the ELSA Traineeships Team. The ELSA Traineeships Team shall consist of a maximum of 10 people. 


  • Coordinate and supervise the Assistants for ELSA Traineeships;
  • Coordinate and conduct matching of the applications during the matching period;
  • Communicate with and verify external applicants;
  • Assist with the reception of trainees accepted for an ELSA International traineeship (i.e. providing information and support);
  • Compile evaluations from Trainees and Traineeship Providers;
  • Analyse the numbers of the ELSA Traineeships in order to make statistics easily understandable by the Network;
  • Report regularly to the International Board of ELSA, and engage in relevant discussions;
  • Assist the International Board of ELSA in the Training of Professional Development area officers;
  • Assist the International Board of ELSA with the preparation and delivery of workshops during International Internal Meetings (cf. International Council Meetings);
  • Assist the International Board of ELSA in the general coordination of the flagship project.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time management, project management, and communication skills;
  • Good Excel skills;
  • Demonstrated experience in ELSA Traineeships procedures, especially in correcting applications and Student Hunting;
  • Leadership skills.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our international projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-8hr per week). Higher pressure twice a year before the Matching deadlines (cf. the ELSA Traineeships Calendar 2024/2025). Expected to attend monthly meetings with the responsible member of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025 

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The ELSA Traineeships Team ensures the smooth processing of the ELSA Traineeships programme by inter alia conducting the matching of the applications twice a year, analysing the evaluation forms, processing external applications and inquiries and improving ELSA Traineeships documents and materials.

The Assistants for ELSA Traineeships shall work closely with the Director for ELSA Traineeships and the  Vice President in charge of Professional Development of the International Board. The ELSA Traineeships Team shall consist of a maximum of 10 people. 


  • Conduct the matching of the applications during the matching period;
  • Assist with the verification and communication of external applicants where necessary;
  • Assist with the compilation of evaluations from Trainees and Traineeship Providers where necessary;
  • Update the promotional materials and other tools together with the International Board of ELSA and the Director for ELSA Traineeships;
  • Assist in analysing the numbers of the ELSA Traineeships in order to make statistics easily understandable by the Network;
  • Report regularly to the Director for ELSA Traineeships;
  • Assist the International Board of ELSA  in the Training of the Professional Development area officers;
  • Assisting the International Board of ELSA  with the preparation and delivery of workshops during International Internal Meetings (cf.International Council Meetings);
  • Assisting the International Board of ELSA and the Director for ELSA Traineeships with other general tasks related to the flagship project.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time management and communication skills;
  • Good Excel skills;
  • Demonstrated experience in ELSA Traineeships procedures, especially in correcting applications and Student Hunting.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our international projects.


Low pressure throughout the year (~5hr per week). Higher pressure twice a year before the Matching deadlines (cf. the ELSA Traineeships Calendar 2024/2025). Expected to attend monthly meetings with the responsible member of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Reception and Visa Team ensures the smooth processing of the ELSA Traineeships programme by inter alia helping ELSA Groups with the Reception process and Trainees with the obtention of Visa and other administrative tasks, analyzing the evaluation forms, processing external applications and inquiries, defining and implementing reception strategy, and improving ELSA Traineeships documents and materials.

The Director for Reception and Visas shall work closely with the Director for ELSA Traineeships and the International Board. 


  • Assist Trainees and/or ELSA Groups with Reception;
  • Assist Trainees and/or ELSA Groups with the demand of Visa or other administrative tasks;
  • Assist with the compilation of evaluations from Trainees and Traineeship Providers where necessary;
  • Crete the Selection Results statistics;
  • Update the promotional materials and other tools together with the International Board of ELSA and the Director for ELSA Traineeships;
  • Report regularly to the Director for ELSA Traineeships;
  • Assist the International Board of ELSA in the Training of the Professional Development area officers;
  • Assisting the International Board of ELSA with the preparation and delivery of workshops during International Internal Meetings (cf. International Council Meetings).


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time management and communication skills;
  • Good Excel skills;
  • Demonstrated experience in ELSA Traineeships procedures, especially in Reception;
  • Having experience with the management of Visa and administrative tasks is a plus. 


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our international projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-8hr per week). Expected to attend monthly meetings with the responsible member of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.

For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Academic Activities of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Reception and Visa Team ensures the smooth processing of the ELSA Traineeships programme by inter alia helping ELSA Groups with the Reception process and Trainees with obtaining Visa and other administrative tasks, analyzing the evaluation forms, processing external applications and inquiries, defining and implementing a reception strategy, and improving ELSA Traineeships documents and materials.

The Assistant for Reception and Visas shall work closely with the Director for Reception and Visas and the  International Board. 


  • Assist Trainees and/or ELSA Groups with Reception;
  • Assist Trainees and/or ELSA Groups with the demand of Visa or other administrative tasks;
  • Assist with the compilation of evaluations from Trainees and Traineeship Providers where necessary;
  • Create the Selection results statistics;
  • Report regularly to the Director for Reception and Visa;
  • Assist the International Board  in the Train of the Professional Development area officers;
  • Assist the Director for Reception and Visa with the preparation and delivery of workshops during International Internal Meetings (cf. International Council Meetings).


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time management and communication skills;
  • Good Excel skills;
  • Demonstrated experience in ELSA Traineeships procedures, especially in Reception;
  • Having experience with the management of Visa and administrative tasks is an advantage. 


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our international projects.


Low pressure throughout the year (~5hr per week). Expected to attend monthly meetings with the responsible member of the International Board or the Director for Reception and Visa. 

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Niko Anzulović Mirošević 

Vice President in Charge of Academic Activities 

The International Board 2024/2025

Professional Development

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

IB member

Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for Professional Development shall be focused on the overall strategy and coordination of the Professional Development Strategy. The Director shall ensure the smooth operation and implementation of the existing Professional Development projects. Furthermore, the Director will work towards researching and strategising new possible projects and areas related to professional development. Finally, they will also work with the External Relations Team of ELSA International in order to identify and approach possible professional development partners.

The Director for Professional Development shall work closely with the International Board of ELSA and coordinate the Assistants for Professional Development. The Professional Development Team shall consist of a maximum of 6 people.


  • Assist the  International Board in the consolidation of the Professional Development Strategy and timeline.
  • Develop and update the promotional materials and other tools regarding Professional Development together with the International Board.
  • Assist the International Board of ELSA in the specific Professional Development Training of Network officers;
  • Assist the International Board of ELSA with the preparation and delivery of workshops on Professional Development during International Internal Meetings (cf. International Council Meetings);
  • Coordination of the Team for Professional Development.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time management, project management, and communication skills;
  • Experience in the organization of Professional Development activities;
  • An External Relations background is an advantage.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our international projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-8hr per week). High pressure at the beginning of the term and around project deadlines (cf. Career Launch) (~10-15hr per week). Expected to attend monthly meetings with the  responsible member of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:


Nikola Grochowska

Vice President in Charge of Marketing

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Assistants for Professional Development shall be focused on assisting the Director for Professional Development and the International Board of ELSA in developing, implementing, and coordinating the Professional Development Strategy. The assistants shall work with the Director for Professional Development to ensure the smooth operation, implementation, and tracking of the existing Professional Development projects and strategizing new possible projects. The Professional Development Team shall consist of a maximum of 6 people.


  • Assist the Director in the consolidation of the Professional Development strategy and timeline;
  • Assist the Director in the smooth and effective implementation of the Career Launch;
  • Develop and update the promotional materials and other tools regarding Professional Development together with the Director;
  • Assist the Director in the specific Professional Development Training of Network officers;
  • Assist the Director in the tracking of Professional Development Projects network-wide.


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time management, project management, and communication skills;
  • Experience in the organisation of Professional Development activities.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our international projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-8hr per week). High pressure at the beginning of the term and around project deadlines (cf. Career Launch) (~10-15hr per week). Expected to attend monthly meetings with the responsible member of the International Board or the Director for Professional Development.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nikola Grochowska

Vice President in Charge of Marketing

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Coordinator(s) for Development and Strategy shall be focused on assisting the International Board in analysing, implementing, and coordinating the development strategy of the projects of the Professional Development Area. The coordinator(s) will be requested to analyse the ELSA Traineeships programme to understand the quality of the traineeship experiences provided so far and the weaknesses of the programme. To elaborate the development goals of the Area in the short term and in the long term to create a more sustainable approach and development strategy. 


The ELSA Development and Strategy Team shall consist of a maximum of 3 people.


  • Assist the International Board in the consolidation of the Area’s project development strategy;
  • Assist the International Board in the implementation of the new incoming projects;
  • Assist the International Board with the preparation and delivery of workshops during International Internal Meetings (cf. International Council Meetings).


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time management, lateral thinking, and communication skills;
  • Experience in ELSA Traineeships and Professional Development-related activities.


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our international projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~8-10hr per week). Expected to attend monthly meetings with the responsible member of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nikola Grochowska

Vice President in Charge of Marketing

The International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Coordinators for Communication shall work towards the structure of the overall Professional Development project communication strategy and ensure the smooth implementation thereof. 

The Coordinators for Communication shall work closely with the Vice President in charge of  Marketing of the International Board. The Communication Team shall consist of a maximum of 3 people.


  • Create the ELSA Traineeships marketing strategy and suggest ideas and new focuses for Professional Development projects;
  • Work on the ELSA Traineeships marketing schedule;
  • Assist with the descriptions of posts;
  • Work closely with the ELSA International Marketing Team in regard to inter alia the ELSA Traineeships certificates and promotional material;
  • Implement new ideas for promotional materials and other tools together with the  Vice President in charge of Marketing of the International Board and the ELSA International Marketing Team;
  • Assist the International Board in the specific Marketing Training of the Professional Development officers;
  • Assist the International Board in implementing the trainee & partner engagement strategies;
  • Assist the International Board with the preparation and delivery of workshops on Marketing during International Internal Meetings (cf. International Council Meetings).


  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English;
  • Excellent time management, project management, and communication skills;
  • Demonstrated Public Relations knowledge;
  • Demonstrated knowledge and/or keen interest in Marketing and marketing platforms (Canva, Photoshop etc). 


  • Being a part of ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our international projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~8-10hr per week). Expected to attend monthly meetings with the  responsible member of the International Board.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Nikola Grochowska

Vice President in Charge of Marketing

The International Board 2024/2025

Seminars and Conferences

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Seminars & Conferences of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


The Director for Seminars & Conferences will work closely with the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board throughout the year in the general aspects of the area. The Director will focus on the strategic improvement of the projects that belong to the area of Seminars & Conferences. The Director will help the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board manage the knowledge of the area and update all the available tools. 


  • Implement long-term ideas for the Seminars and Conferences area;
  • Research ways to improve accessibility in the Seminars and Conferences area projects;
  • Keep a general calendar of international Seminars and Conferences events;
  • Develop knowledge management tools in the Seminars and Conferences area.


  • Knowledge of the history of ELSA and the recent developments in the area of Seminars & Conferences;
  • Experience in ELSA;
  • Flexibility;
  • Great time management skills;
  • Excellent command of English;
  • Strong communication skills;
  • Responsiveness.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~ 5-10 hr per week). The Director for Seminars & Conferences is expected to attend a monthly call with the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board and carry out all the necessary calls the position entails.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Paula Bačić

Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences

International Board 2024/2025

ELSA Webinars

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Seminars & Conferences of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


ELSA Webinars and ELSA Webinars Academy have gained increasing importance, especially during the term 19/20. After the unification of ELSA Webinars, making the team automated, improving the provided ELSA Webinars, and organising the following editions of ELSA Webinars Academy of ELSA International are the main areas of the Seminars & Conferences Area. 


  • Manage and supervise the ELSA Webinars Team;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board in organising the next editions of the ELSA Webinars Academy of ELSA International;
  • Search for new academic partnerships and structural suggestions to make ELSA Webinars Academy more professional;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board in establishing partnerships concerning ELSA Webinars Academy;
  • Developtools for ELSA Webinars with the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board


  • Knowledge of the history of ELSA and the recent developments in the area of Seminars & Conferences, especially ELSA Webinars; 
  • Great time management skills;
  • Excellent command of English;
  • IT Knowledge;
  • Participation in the organisation of an ELSA Webinars Academy is an advantage;
  • Experience in Clickmeeting is an advantage;
  • Responsiveness.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~ 5-10 hr per week). The Director for ELSA Webinars is expected to attend a bi-weekly call with the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board and carry out all the necessary calls the position entails.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Paula Bačić

Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences

International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Seminars & Conferences of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


ELSA Webinars and ELSA Webinars Academy have gained increasing importance, especially during the term 19/20. After the unification of ELSA Webinars, making the team automated, improving the provided ELSA Webinars, and organising the following editions of ELSA Webinars Academy of ELSA International are the main areas of the Seminars & Conferences Area. 


  • Assist the Director for ELSA Webinars in organising the next editions of the ELSA Webinars Academy of ELSA International;
  • Develop tools for ELSA Webinars with the Director for ELSA Webinars;
  • Provide training on webinar platforms, especially ClickMeeting.


  • Knowledge of the history of ELSA and the recent developments in the area of Seminars & Conferences, especially ELSA Webinars; 
  • Great time management skills;
  • Excellent command of English;
  • IT Knowledge;
  • Participation in the organisation of an ELSA Webinars Academy is an advantage;
  • Experience in Clickmeeting is an advantage;
  • Responsiveness.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low pressure throughout the year (less than 5 hr per week). The Assistant for ELSA Webinars is expected to attend calls with the Director for ELSA Webinars and carry out all the necessary calls the position entails.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Paula Bačić

Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences

International Board 2024/2025

International Conferences of ELSA (ICE)

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Seminars & Conferences of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


International Conferences of ELSA is an emerging project in the area of Seminars & Conferences. Thus, focusing on its development and taking the necessary steps to ensure its growth are the main priorities for the following term.


  • Manage and supervise the International Conferences of ELSA Team;
  • Support the Network in organising International Conferences of ELSA;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board in the development of the project;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board in preparing and delivering International Conferences of ELSA-related workshops during International Internal Meetings;
  • Develop tools for International Conferences of ELSA with the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board;
  • Be in charge of the Coaching System of International Conferences of ELSA.


  • Knowledge of the history of ELSA and the recent developments in the area of Seminars & Conferences, especially International Conferences of ELSA; 
  • Great time management skills;
  • Excellent command of English;
  • Participation in the organisation of at least one International Conference of ELSA;
  • Responsiveness.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~5-10 hr per week). The Director for ICE is expected to attend a monthly call with the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board and carry out all the necessary calls the position entails.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Paula Bačić

Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences

International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Seminars & Conferences of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 31st of August 2025


International Conferences of ELSA is an emerging project in the area of Seminars & Conferences. Thus, focusing on its development, educating the Network about it, and taking the necessary steps to ensure its growth are the main priorities for the following term.


  • Support the Network in organising International Conferences of ELSA;
  • Assist the Director for International Conferences of ELSA in the development of the project;
  • Develop tools for International Conferences of ELSA with the Director for International Conferences of ELSA;
  • Act as a Coach in the context of the Coaching System of International Conferences of ELSA.


  • Knowledge of the history of ELSA and the recent developments in the area of Seminars & Conferences, especially International Conferences of ELSA; 
  • Great time management skills;
  • Excellent command of English;
  • Participation in the organisation of at least one International Conference of ELSA;
  • Responsiveness.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Low pressure throughout the year (less than 5 hr per week). The Assistant for ICE is expected to attend calls with the Director for International Conferences of ELSA and carry out all the necessary calls the position entails.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Paula Bačić

Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences

International Board 2024/2025

ELSA Law Schools

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Seminars & Conferences of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 30th of September 2025


ELSA Law Schools is one of the Flagship Projects of ELSA and one of the most popular and massively attended events of our Association. Thus, facilitating their organisational process and ensuring their quality is one of the main priorities in the area of Seminars & Conferences. The Director for ELSA Law Schools will be in charge of the project and support the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board  to maintain its quality. The Director for ELSA Law Schools must be able to work independently, be reliable and answer emails in due time. The Director will ensure the overall organisation of the ELSA Law Schools team and will establish internal cooperation with the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board.

Even though ELSA Law Schools have been present in the Network for five years, they still require much care and attention to continue flourishing. 


  • Manage and supervise the ELSA Law Schools Team;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board in the development of  ELSA Law Schools;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board in preparing and delivering ELSA Law Schools related workshops during International Internal Meetings and other training events;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board in developing tools for ELSA Law Schools;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board in establishing partnerships concerning Partner Law Schools;
  • Be the main point of contact for the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board concerning ELSA Law Schools.


  • Knowledge of the history of ELSA and the recent developments in the area of Seminars & Conferences, especially ELSA Law Schools; 
  • Great time management skills;
  • Excellent command of English;
  • Organised at least one ELSA Law School;
  • Responsiveness.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


High pressure throughout the year (~10-15 hr per week), which is expected to increase before the Application Period of Winter and Summer ELSA Law Schools. The Director for ELSA Law Schools is expected to attend weekly calls with the Vice President in charge of Seminars & Conferences and carry out the necessary calls with the rest of the team whenever it is necessary.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Paula Bačić

Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences

International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Seminars & Conferences of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 30th of September 2025


ELSA Law Schools is one of the Flagship Projects of ELSA and one of the most popular and massively attended events of our Association. Thus, facilitating their organisational process and ensuring their quality is one of the main priorities in the area of Seminars & Conferences. In this context, the Assistant will support the Director and Coordinator for ELSA Law Schools, providing them with necessary tools and facilitating their workload. At the same time, they will take care of the ELSA Law Schools Mentorship Programme and provide personalised coaching to officers of the Network who are interested in ELSA Law Schools and require assistance for its organisation. 


  • Assist the Director for ELSA Law Schools and Coordinator for ELSA Law Schools Coaching in team management and task division;
  • Create and update materials relating to ELSA Law Schools;
  • Be in charge of the ELSA Law Schools Mentorship Programme;
  • Communicate with and report to the Director for ELSA Law Schools.


  • Knowledge of the history of ELSA and the recent developments in the area of Seminars & Conferences, especially ELSA Law Schools; 
  • Great time management skills;
  • Excellent command of English;
  • Great communication skills;
  • Should have experience with the organisation of at least one ELSA Law School;
  • Responsiveness.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~ 5-10 hr per week), which is expected to increase before the Application Period of Winter and Summer ELSA Law Schools. The Assistant for ELSA Law Schools is expected to attend weekly calls with the Director for ELSA Law Schools.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Paula Bačić

Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences

International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Seminars & Conferences of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 30th of September 2025


ELSA Laws Schools is one of the Flagship Projects of ELSA and one of the most popular and massively attended events of our Association. Thus, facilitating their organisational process and ensuring their quality is one of the main priorities in the area of Seminars & Conferences. In this context, the Coordinator for ELSA Law Schools Coaching will collaborate closely with the Director for ELSA Law Schools and overview the progress of the Organising Committees of ELSA Law Schools. The Coordinator for ELSA Law Schools Coaching will train the team of Coaches, facilitate their work and coordinate their communication with Organising Committees.


  • Support the Network in organising Winter and Summer ELSA Law Schools;
  • Create the coaching structure of the ELSA Law Schools Team of  Coaches;
  • Draft coaching guidelines;
  • Ensure the communication of the Coaches and the Organising Committees;
  • Oversee the progress of the Organising Committees;
  • Assist the Director for ELSA Law Schools in the development of the project;
  • Report to the Director for ELSA Law Schools.


  • Knowledge of the history of ELSA and the recent developments in the area of Seminars & Conferences, especially ELSA Law Schools; 
  • Great time management skills;
  • Excellent command of English;
  • Organised at least one ELSA Law School; 
  • Responsiveness.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


High pressure throughout the year (~ 10-15 hr per week), which is expected to increase before the Application Period of Winter and Summer ELSA Law Schools. The Coordinator for ELSA Law Schools Coaching is expected to attend weekly calls with the Team of Coaches for ELSA Law Schools and report weekly to the Director for ELSA Law Schools.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Paula Bačić

Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences

International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Seminars & Conferences of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 30th of September 2025


ELSA Law Schools is one of the Flagship Projects of ELSA and one of the most popular and massively attended events of our Association. Thus, facilitating their organisational process and ensuring their quality is one of the main priorities in the area of Seminars & Conferences. In this context, the ELSA Law Schools Coach will work closely with the Coordinator for ELSA Law Schools Coaching to ensure that Organising Committees are progressing well and are provided with all the necessary knowledge to organise their events.


  • Support the Network in organising ELSA Law Schools, undertaking the coaching role;
  • Answer questions related to ELSA Law Schools coming from National and Local Groups;
  • Ensure high-quality standards among ELSA Law Schools;
  • Provide information and knowledge to ELSA Law Schools Organising Committees;
  • Communicate and report to the Coordinator for ELSA Law Schools Coaching.


  • Knowledge of the history of ELSA and understanding of its Philosophy Statement;
  • Great time management skills;
  • Excellent command of English;
  • Great communication skills;
  • Participation in the organisation of at least one ELSA Law School;
  • Responsiveness.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~ 5-10 hr per week), which is expected to increase before the Application Period of Winter and Summer ELSA Law Schools. The ELSA Law Schools Coach is expected to attend weekly calls with the Coordinator for ELSA Law Schools Coaching and carry out all the necessary calls with the Organising Committees of which they are in charge.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right to not fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Paula Bačić

Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences

International Board 2024/2025

ELSA Delegations

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Seminars & Conferences of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 30th of September 2025


The ELSA Delegations Team consists of several Assistants and Coordinators. Therefore, someone must manage and supervise the work of such a team. The Director for Delegations will have an important role in supporting the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board and ensuring that the area of ELSA Delegations is working correctly. The Director for Delegations must be able to work independently, be reliable and answer emails in due time. The Director will ensure the overall organisation of the ELSA Delegations team and will establish the internal way of cooperation with the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board.


  • Manage and supervise the Delegations Team;
  • Promote Delegations throughout the Network;
  • Search online and physical ELSA Delegations opportunities within Organisations in which ELSA has a special status;
  • Search for new institutions in which ELSA does not have a special status and could send delegates;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board in the preparation and delivery of ELSA Delegations related workshops during International Internal Meetings;
  • Assist the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board in researching funding opportunities for ELSA Delegations;
  • Be the main point of contact for the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board concerning ELSA Delegations.


  • Knowledge of the history of ELSA and understanding of its Philosophy Statement; 
  • IT Experience;
  • Great time management skills;
  • Excellent command of English;
  • Participation in at least one ELSA Delegation;
  • Responsiveness.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


High pressure throughout the year (~ 10-15 hr per week), which is expected to increase whenever there is a call for ELSA Delegations. The Director for ELSA Delegations is scheduled to attend calls with the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board and carry out the necessary calls with the rest of the team whenever it is necessary.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Paula Bačić

Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences

International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Seminars & Conferences of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 30th of September 2025


The Assistant for ELSA Delegations will work closely with the Director for ELSA Delegations. The Assistant for ELSA Delegations will review applications received in every ELSA Delegations call and grade them based on the respective criteria. The Assistant will also create recommendations for the ELSA Delegates for the respective session. 


  • Search online and physical Delegation opportunities within organisations in which ELSA has a special status;
  • Research new opportunities in which ELSA does not have a special status;
  • Prepare the recommendations for the appointment of ELSA Delegates based on the selection criteria;
  • Update the materials relating to ELSA Delegations;
  • Communicate and cooperate with the Director for Delegations and the Coordinators for the various International Organisations;
  • Report to the Director for ELSA Delegations;
  • Cooperating with the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences of the International Board on issues related to Delegations.


  • Knowledge of the history of ELSA and understanding of its Philosophy Statement;
  • IT Experience;
  • Great time management skills;
  • Excellent command of English;
  • Participation in at least one ELSA Delegation;
  • Responsiveness.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~ 5-10 hr per week), which is expected to increase whenever there is a call for ELSA Delegations. The Assistant for ELSA Delegations is scheduled to attend calls with the Director for ELSA Delegations whenever it is necessary.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that ELSA International reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Paula Bačić

Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences

International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Seminars & Conferences of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 30th of September 2025


The Coordinator for Human Rights Bodies should have previous experience participating in ELSA activities, particularly in ELSA Delegations. A good understanding of International Relations will be highly valued. The Coordinator for Human Rights Bodies should be able to work independently, be reliable and answer emails in due time. The Coordinator will support the ELSA Delegates in all organisational matters regarding their attendance at the sessions and will be responsible for their academic preparation.


  • Research new ELSA Delegations’ opportunities in Human Rights Bodies;
  • Communicate with ELSA Delegates;
  • Support ELSA Delegates in organisational matters, such as registration in the respective institutions;
  • Communicate and cooperate within the ELSA Delegations Team.


  • Knowledge of the history of ELSA and understanding of its Philosophy Statement; 
  • Experience in ELSA Delegations;
  • Good command of English;
  • Responsiveness.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~ 5-10 hr per week), which is expected to increase whenever there is a call for ELSA Delegations. The Coordinator for Human Rights Bodies is expected to attend calls with the Director for ELSA Delegations and carry out the necessary calls with ELSA Delegates in the context of their preparation.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Paula Bačić

Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences

International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Seminars & Conferences of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 30th of September 2025


The Coordinator for UN ECOSOC and UNODC should have previous experience participating in ELSA activities, particularly in ELSA Delegations. A good understanding of International Relations will be highly valued. The Coordinator for UN ECOSOC and UNODC should be able to work independently, be reliable and answer emails in due time. The Coordinator will support ELSA Delegates in all organisational matters regarding their attendance at the sessions and will be responsible for their academic preparation.


  • Research new ELSA Delegations’ opportunities;
  • Communicate with ELSA Delegates;
  • Support ELSA Delegates in organisational matters, such as registration in the respective institutions;
  • Communicate and cooperate within the ELSA Delegations Team.


  • Knowledge of the history of ELSA and understanding of its Philosophy Statement; 
  • Experience in ELSA Delegations;
  • Good command of English;
  • Responsiveness.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~ 5-10 hr per week), which is expected to increase whenever there is a call for ELSA Delegations. The Coordinator for UNECOSOC and UNODC is expected to attend calls with the Director for ELSA Delegations and carry out the necessary calls with ELSA Delegates in the context of their preparation.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Paula Bačić

Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences

International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Seminars & Conferences of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 30th of September 2025


The Coordinator for UNCITRAL should have a strong ELSA background and previous experience participating in ELSA activities, particularly in ELSA Delegations. A good understanding of International Relations will be highly valued. The Coordinator for UNCITRAL should be able to work independently, be reliable and answer emails in due time. The Coordinator will support the ELSA Delegates in all organisational matters regarding their attendance in the sessions and will be responsible for their academic preparation.


  • Research new ELSA Delegations’ opportunities;
  • Communicate with ELSA Delegates;
  • Support ELSA Delegates in organisational matters, such as registration in the respective institutions;
  • Communicate and cooperate within the ELSA Delegations Team.


  • Knowledge of the history of ELSA and understanding of its Philosophy Statement; 
  • Experience in ELSA Delegations;
  • Good command of English.
  • Responsiveness.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~ 5-10 hr per week), which is expected to increase whenever there is a call for ELSA Delegations. The Coordinator for UNCITRAL is scheduled to attend calls with the Director for ELSA Delegations and carry out the necessary calls with ELSA Delegates in the context of their preparation.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Paula Bačić

Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences

International Board 2024/2025

Deadline for application

11th of August 2024, 23:59 CEST

Responsible IB member

Vice President in charge of Seminars & Conferences of the International Board 2024/2025


From appointment – 30th of September 2025


The Coordinator for WIPO should have a strong ELSA background and previous experience participating in ELSA activities, particularly in ELSA Delegations. A good understanding of International Relations will be highly valued. The Coordinator for WIPO should be able to work independently, be reliable and answer emails in due time. The Coordinator will support the ELSA Delegates in all organisational matters regarding their attendance in the sessions and will be responsible for their academic preparation.


  • Research new ELSA Delegations’ opportunities;
  • Communicate with ELSA Delegates;
  • Support ELSA Delegates in organisational matters, such as registration in the respective institutions;
  • Communicate and cooperate within the ELSA Delegations Team.


  • Knowledge of the history of ELSA and understanding of its Philosophy Statement; 
  • Experience in ELSA Delegations;
  • Good command of English;
  • Responsiveness.


  • Being a part of  ELSA’s community of over 60 000 students from 43 countries;
  • Chance to network with other law students, young professionals, and ELSA Alumni from across Europe;
  • CV experience enrichment;
  • Broader access to ELSA’s member opportunities, such as discounts, preferential scholarships for higher education institutions, and participation in our International projects.


Mild pressure throughout the year (~ 5-10 hr per week), which is expected to increase whenever there is a call for ELSA Delegations. The Coordinator for WIPO is scheduled to attend calls with the Director for ELSA Delegations and carry out the necessary calls with ELSA Delegates in the context of their preparation.

Please note that online interviews may take place as part of the selection process and that the International Board of ELSA reserves the right not to fill the positions for which the applicants will not bear the necessary qualifications.


For further information and questions, please contact:

Paula Bačić

Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences

International Board 2024/2025