Create a new Local ELSA Group

There is a National ELSA Group.

Check our Network map to see if there is an existing National ELSA Group in your country. If there is one, please contact the respective Board members via the contact details provided.

There is no National ELSA Group.

If there is not one, please get in touch with the International Board via the online contact form (tag a link to the online contact form) in order to find out more information on how to join ELSA or create a new National ELSA Group.

How to create a new Local ELSA Group?

Contact your National ELSA Group.

Gather other interested people in order to form a Board.

Prepare statutes according to your national law.

What would we suggest?

Set a good relationship with the administration of your faculty/university.

Gather people who want to be active in ELSA and contribute to your Local ELSA Group.

Create a plan that you will follow with clear deadlines and aims to be achieved.

Plan your first local event as soon as possible in order to attract potential members, to make your Local ELSA Group known and to estimate your SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats).

Try to visit events organised by other ELSA Groups in order to gain further knowledge and develop bilateral relations.

Keep in touch with your members (via mailing lists, social media, presentations, gatherings, events etc.).